If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Babies – Sophie – sophie@wonderlandnursery.co.uk or Corrin – corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs) – nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
2-3’s – Toni – toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri) – emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
The accounts team have recently received emails regarding extra sessions, permanent changes, PCR results and general nursery related questions. Unfortunately, as the Accounts Team work part time there is a delay in these emails and requests reaching the Wonderland Management team.
If you would like correspondence regarding funding or your invoice, please contact the accounts team. If you would like to request a permanent change, please contact Corrin. If you would like to request an extra session, please contact Toni. If you would like to share PCR results or have any nursery related questions, please contact a member of the Management Team.
Corrin - Nursery Manager - corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Emma - Assistant Manager - emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toni - Deputy Manager - toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Nichola - 3rd in charge - nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer session swaps. If you would like to request an extra session, we will be more than happy to look at our availability for you. Please contact our nursery Deputy Manager - Toni.
This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/ Summer menu.
There are no planned changes to our menu currently, however our amazing kitchen team will make changes on a daily basis if needed due to the hot weather. If there are any unplanned changes these will be share with you on your child’s individual handover sheet.
We welcome the news that a mild temperature of 38 degrees is finally recognised as a symptom for teething according to the NHS. As a temperature is also a symptom of Covid-19 our procedures regarding children being taken for a PCR test if they develop a temperature will continue to be followed.
If your child is unwell with symptoms of Covid-19, you will not be charged for the time they have not been able to attend nursery. The only symptoms this applies to are a loss or charge in sense of taste or smell, a temperature, or a cough. If your child is unwell due to any other illness or is away on holiday, you will still be charged for the sessions your child has missed.
Lily the Deputy Team Leader within our 3-5’s Age Group has made the decision to work in a different age group to enhance her professional development and to focus on being a key carer. This means that Lily has decided to step down from her senior role as Deputy Team Leader and will be joining the Toddlers Team. We would like to thank Lily for all of her hard work.
Within the 3-5’s age group your child will have been given a draw to hold all of their pictures and other personal belongings your child wishes to place in there. Your child’s draw is within the 3-5 areas within our main nursery area.
Throughout their time within the 3-5 age group your child will take part in phonic extension acitivites with their key groups and explore a variety of phonic and letter play throughout their nursery day; to develop their knowledge of the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes.
Within your child’s book bag, you will have a reading record. Please can we ask you to complete your child’s reading record each time you share a story?
When dropping your child at Wonderland, please place your child’s book bag into the book box available and Emma Edwards will change your child’s reading book. Please try and keep the same books to share with your child for an entire week.
Using farm animals to explore making marks in a range of different coloured paint, exploring textures in a range of ways and getting to know our new key carers and peers whilst settling into the Baby Room. The Babies have also been exploring the garden and the baby climbing apparatus.
Next week we will be...
Taking part in a Monkey Music session using puppets and developing their awareness of rhythm and words with their adults, making hats to help celebrate Wonderland’s 26th Birthday as well as using cars and trains to drive around the car track to develop our imaginative play.
Selecting objects in the correct quantity, such as please give me one, please give me two. The Toddlers have also been building towers with different sized building materials as well as using a range of mark making equipment to explore how we can make marks on paper.
Next week we will be...
Identifying animals using their symbolic noises using story books, exploring how our bodies can move in a variety of ways during our garden play and exploring cooperative play when rolling tractors and transport objects between our peers.
Hunting for ducks hidden in crazy foam, using scissors to make snips and patterns in paper, identifying letters of their name using letter stamps and building a zoo using a range of materials for National Zoo Awareness Day.
Next week we will be...
Practicing balancing when completing yoga poses, completing a fossil hunt in the garden as well as using magnifying glasses to search for minibeasts and exploring how to mix paint in a variety of ways.
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Topic activities has been….
Following our own individual interests, such as bathing babies in the water tray to develop our imaginative play with our peers, digging in the garden for worms and woodlice and riding the bikes using the pedals during our garden play whilst having a race with our peers.
Our Phonics focus has been…
Exploring how to make marks and familiar letters in a variety of ways. We have even created letters within a glittered sea as well as developing our fine motor skills by completing finger painting.
Our Mathematical focus has been…
Developing our touch counting skills when selecting a certain number of toys or objects throughout our play, as well as playing Mathematical games such as Ladybird Counting. Whilst playing this game the children also had a go at recording numerals 1 – 6 on white boards.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Topic activities will be…
Taking part in a dinosaur hunt around the 3-5’s areas and the nursery garden, practicing our cutting skills whilst using scissors as well as exploring technology when interacting with age-appropriate software on the computer in The Den.
Our Phonics focus will be…
Continuing to sort objects into groups of their initial sounds, completing phoneme frames to have a go at reading and writing a range of CVC words and exploring words that sound the same through sharing familiar stories to search for rhyming words.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Singing a range of number rhymes to identify the order of numerals 0 – 10 and then having a go at identifying one more than a given number.