If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Babies – Sophie – sophie@wonderlandnursery.co.uk or Corrin – corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs) – nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
2-3’s – Toni – toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri) –
The accounts team have recently received emails regarding extra sessions, permanent changes, PCR results and general nursery related questions. Unfortunately, as the Accounts Team work part time there is a delay in these emails and requests reaching the Wonderland Management team.
If you would like correspondence regarding funding or your invoice, please contact the accounts team. If you would like to request a permanent change, please contact Corrin. If you would like to request an extra session, please contact Toni. If you would like to share PCR results or have any nursery related questions, please contact a member of the Management Team.
Corrin - Nursery Manager - corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Emma - Assistant Manager - emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toni - Deputy Manager - toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Nichola - 3rd in charge - nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer session swaps. If you would like to request an extra session, we will be more than happy to look at our availability for you. Please contact our nursery Deputy Manager - Toni.
We are pleased to announce Wonderland are finalising plans at the beginning of next week to develop a COVID safe coffee morning. This may include take away food and drink items for parents and children to take away, for a small donation. We will be in contact with more details.
Please can we remind all parents and carers to please park within the bays provided within the nursery car park. This is to ensure everyone’s safety and to also ensure all parents can access their own cars easily to place their children back into or take their child out of their car seat.
Babies – Have paper journals which the Baby Team continue to update and send home. Providing a range of artwork, pictures, and observations for each of their key children. The Baby Team will use Tapestry as an additional extra to share videos and any activities your child may have enjoyed, as well as sharing pictures of your child settling into the Baby Room.
Toddlers – Will aim to upload one observation a week. However, our Toddler children do still have their own paper learning journals which provides a range of artwork, pictures, and observations. The Toddler staff members will then aim to send these home once a month so that you are able to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery.
2-3’s – Our 2–3-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The 2-3 team will solely use Tapestry to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery. The 2-3 team will aim to upload four observations a month.
3-5’s – Our 3-5-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The key carers within the 3-5’s age group will use ‘snap shot observations’ throughout the month to show you your child’s individual interests. Throughout each month each individual child will also have a ‘focus week’ where their key carer and 3-5 staff team really try to provide you with a detailed overview of what your child has been learning and developing throughout their time at nursery.
Please see below the contact details of several advice lines available to you, if you have any concerns about your child. The Wonderland Team are also always on hand to also talk about any concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate in contacting a member of the Management Team using the email address on page one of this newsletter.
Now that the Winter weather is on the way, please could we ask all children to have a pair of named indoor and outdoor shoes. As well as a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes could we also ask for spare clothes to be placed within your child’s nursery bag. The children really do explore the nursery garden in all weathers!
The Wonderland Team are always on hand to support our families in potty training. At nursery we have plenty of spare clothes, but could we ask if your child is beginning to potty train that you ensure they have plenty of spare socks, trousers, pants, and a change of shoes to support this process.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer to discuss how your child is getting on, please give the nursery a call or an email. Collection times are a busy time of the day with parents needing to drop or collect older siblings from other educational settings. Therefore, could we please ask all parents to ensure drop off’s and collections are prompt. Thank you in your cooperation in this.
There are several common childhood illnesses making the rounds at nursery. These are:
The first signs of hand, foot and mouth disease can be a sore throat, a high temperature and not wanting to eat. After a few days mouth ulcers and a rash will appear. If you would like more information, please follow the link to the NHS website below.
Whilst there is no exclusion from nursery, your child must be well enough within themselves to attend nursery. We have had confirmed cases within our 2-3’s and Toddler age group. Please could we ask you to let a member of the Management Team know if you have had your child confirmed with hand, foot, and mouth so that we can ensure we keep our pregnant staff members safe.
Hand, foot and mouth disease - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
2. Chest infections – A chest infection is an infection of the lungs or large airways. Some chest infections are mild and clear up on their own, but others may need antibiotics to help fight the infection.
The main symptoms are: a chesty cough, you may cough up yellow or green mucus, wheezing and shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, high temperature, a headache, aching muscles and tiredness. If you would like more information, please follow the link to the NHS website below.
Chest infection - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
3. Ear infections – Ear infections are very common, particularly in children. You do not always need to see a GP for an ear infection as they often get better on their own within 3 days.
The Symptoms of an ear infection usually start quickly and include:
Young children and babies with an ear infection may also:
Most ear infections clear up within 3 days, although sometimes symptoms can last up to a week. If you would like more information, please follow the link to the NHS website below.
Ear infections - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Enjoying walks to the pet shop this week, to explore animal noises. Developing our fine motor muscles whilst exploring scented playdough as well as creating collages using cut offs of old jeans to celebrate Jeans for Genes Day.
Next week we will be...
Exploring our textured trays as well as taking part in rhyme time to develop our communication and listening skills. During our garden time we will be exploring the ball drop to develop our knowledge of cause and effect.
Exploring messy flour and pasta play, making marks using felt pens and paint as well as developing our social interactions by playing a range of group games such as roll the ball and parachute games.
Next week we will be...
Developing our fine motor skills during playdough play, develop our gross motor movements when moving across the obstacle course and develop our knowledge of number names through the singing of number songs.
Exploring how to make marks using a range of equipment, developing our imaginative play by babies the babies. During this activity we also identified body parts such as arms, legs, eyes, and nose. The children have also been taking part in a Gruffalo character hunt around the 2-3’s areas, garden and 2-3 room.
Next week we will be...
Exploring texture when creating their very own cement (child friendly,) identifying a range of different farm vehicles to learn about Harvest time, explore a farm small world tray to develop our imaginative play and take part in yoga sessions to develop our body movements.
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Topic activities has been…
Taking part in a water play activity focusing on learning about floating and sinking as well as exploring capacity whilst exploring different coloured rice. We have also been practicing our cutting skills and learning how to handle and use scissors correctly. We have also been listening for and identifying environmental sounds as part of a sound hunt game.
Our Phonics focus has been…
Exploring the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea,’ as well as identifying the initial sounds of objects that begin with a ‘s,’ ‘a,’ and a ‘t.’
Our Mathematical focus has been…
Exploring capacity whilst exploring different coloured rice, having a go at touch counting dinosaurs as well as exploring measuring using nonstandard units. We will also be taking part in sorting activities.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Topic activities will be…
Junk modelling to create a race car and explore joining materials, as well as using a range of Autumnal resources to create window collages.
Our Phonics focus will be…
Riding bikes around the garden to labelled parking spaces. Within these parking spaces there will be a CVC word which we will use our phonic knowledge to segment and blend the letters to try and read the word. The children will also be sharing the story of ‘Super Worm!’
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Exploring matching numerals to the correct quantity when throwing the correct corresponding amount of bean bags into numbered hoops, creating a range of different sized play dough worms after showing interest in the worms we found on our bug hunt in the garden this week and exploring shape during our Mathematical focus time.