This week we are following our Week 4 Autumn/Winter menu
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.
If you would like to catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.
Accounts –
Babies – Hannah H –
Toddlers – Hannah H –
2-3’s - Toni (On annual leave from 8th March 2023) -
3-5’s – Emma E –
Extra sessions –
Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -
Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.
Monday 6th + Tuesday 7th March – Emily H
Thursday 9th March – Emma E
Friday 10th March (pm) – Emma E
Thursday 9th + Friday 10th March - Kim
Friday 10th March (all day) – Kelly C
Current illnesses at Wonderland
We currently have a child within our 3-5’s Age Group who is being treated for Conjunctivitis.
Chest infections
We currently have a child within our 3-5’s Age Group who is being treated for a chest infection.
Door security
Please can we remind everyone, that it is of the most importance that the nursery doors are not held open for any other parents to be let into the nursery building.
If this does happen, please can we ask that you wait to be greeted into nursery by a Senior Member of the Wonderland Team and that the nursery door is closed. These individuals will be wearing blue t-shirts.
Please can we ask all parents and other adults (Grandparents, Uncles, Aunties, friends etc.) to nursey they have their own Identification Cards with them when they are collecting or dropping off at Wonderland.
If you do not have an identification card, please let a member of the Management Team know.
Creating their own Daffodil painting using real daffodils as their source of mark making, they were exploring the textures of the petals and stem as they held it, they have also been showing interest in a yellow object tuft tray designed to represent St David’s day.
Next week we will be...
Exploring a construction tuff tray with cereals, as well as painting using ice cubes and food colouring. The Babies will also be exploring texture and cause and affect through gloop play.
Exploring the story of The Very hungry Caterpillar this week to celebrate World Book Day, as well as creating their very own flying saucers linked to Aliens Love Underpants.
The Toddlers have also continued to show an interest in mark making this week. They have been laying on the floor using crayons to explore making large circles and lines.
Next week we will be...
Exploring our new story sacks such as Dear Zoo, creating our very own Elmer elephants and making special things for our Mummy’s!
Exploring the story of Dear Zoo and The Three Little Pigs this week to celebrate World Book Day. The children have also been exploring making marks using a variety of objects such as string, feathers, pegs and sticks.
Next week we will be...
Exploring how to cut hair using spaghetti, exploring a seaside themed tuff tray and making marks with a range of different vegetables.
Our Literacy focus has been…
Exploring a variety of stories that our children are interested in such as Dinosaur Roar, The Colour Monster, The Gruffalo and many more. The children explored colour mixing, created their very own dinosaur fossils, bathed the dinosaurs in their gloppy swamp and then gave the dirty dinos a wash!
The children have also continued to explore the following books: See inside Your Body, 100 People, Funnybones, What Happened to You?
Our Mathematical focus has been...
Developing our hand eye coordination by throwing a variety of coloured bean bags into their corresponding hoops.
Our STEM activities this week have been…..
Continuing to develop our interests in obstacle courses, using planks and tyres to create a variety of courses for us to complete as well as manipulating the play dough into models and creations of our choice.
Our Fascinations have been...
Fixing our cars and bikes within our Wonderland Garage and talking about our likes and dislikes with foods.
Next week the Pre-school (3-5’s) will be..
Developing their fascinations in food by sharing the stories of The Tiger Who Came To Tea and Handa’s Surprise!
The children will also be continuing to have a go at writing the letters in their names as well as exploring their likes and dislikes of fruits and veg.