Blog Post

Week Commencing 23rd January 2023

Wonderland Day Nursery • January 20, 2023

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 23rd January 2023

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 2 Autumn/Winter menu

Currently the only planned change next week is on Monday lunchtime when the children will be enjoying a Chinese New Year meal.

If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.

Current illness' at Wonderland

In addition to the usual coughs and colds right across the nursery, there are also the following illnesses:

Babies – Nothing to report.

Toddlers – Nothing to report.

2-3’s – Loose stools, Scarlet Fever.

3-5’s – Scarlet Fever and ear infections.

We have also had a case of headlice within this age group – you will have received a separate email about this.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.

Accounts –

Babies – Hannah H –

Toddlers – Hannah H –

2-3’s - Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Extra sessions –

Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -

Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.

Staff Holiday

Friday 3rd February - Karin

Monday 6th February - Karin

Tuesday 7th February - Florrie

Collection lateness

A big thank you to those parents who give us a call to let us know that they are stuck in traffic or are running late to collect their child at the end of their nursery session.

If you are regularly late to collect your child after the 6pm session finish time we will have to add a late collection charge to your next invoice, regardless of the 15 minute rule.

Please be mindful that staff members have their own children to collect after their shift has finished, their own appointments to attend once their working day is complete as well as catching the unreliable public transport home.

If you do arrive after 6pm, we are unfortunately not able to give a full handover. However we will of course hand over important information regarding your child’s day.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Physical Fun

Welly Walk

The Babies have been...

Exploring texture and painting using food colouring and yoghurt to develop their finger muscles as well as using our foam blocks to explore tower building as well as painting with a variety of different shaped objects.

Next week we will be...

Making our very own town using cardboard boxes and a variety of different vehicles, as well as getting musical with our Wonderland band and exploring textures of paint using our bodies and paintbrushes.

The Toddlers have been...

The Toddlers have been using real vegetables within their home area this week as well as exploring flowers and their petals using their senses. The Toddlers have also been exploring emptying and filling whilst investigating a variety of animal tuff trays. Finally, the Toddlers have also been exploring playdough to develop their finger muscles.

Next week we will be...

Exploring rice play practicing our emptying and filling using our motor skills We will be having a teddy bears picnic incorporating fresh fruit and vegetables into our play Exploring a heuristic tuff try which will incorporate natural resources such as real flowers, leaves and pinecones.

The 2-3's have been...

Creating their very own magic potions, using herbs, feathers, glitter, water and food colouring!

The children have also been exploring mark making in a variety of ways, for example; using pictures of Autumnal Trees to create their very own paintings as well as using forks to make marks in paint. Finally, the children have also been showing lots of interest in role playing looking after the toy babies by putting their nappies on and tucking them into bed.

On Monday the children also enjoyed their Signing Sam session, using their ears to listen and explore a variety of instruments as well as signing and dancing to the bubble song!

Next week we will be...

Washing muddy animals at our toy farm, exploring their likes and dislikes whilst creating their own pizza’s and creating fire work pictures using blue and white paint to celebrate burns night.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests – Mary Poppins, Penguins, Space, Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave.

Our Phonics focus have been…

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 6 - Voice sounds

The children have been continuing to develop their ability to distinguish between vocal sounds as well beginning to have a go at oral blending and segmenting.

The children have been recording their own voices using our sound buttons and encouraging their peers to guess who has left the message.

The children have also continued to explore the stories of: Elmer, Whatever Next!, Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave, On The Launch Pad.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Continuing to develop our conceptual image of numbers 1 – 3 and 1-10 by using fish for their penguins to eat to continue to explore subitising, as well as using a dice to develop our concept images of 1 – 6, using these to create their very own alien!

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Mathematical development at home.

Our STEM activities this week have been…..

Having a go at creating their very own sandwiches for their Mary Poppins picnic, choosing their own ingredients and cutting their sandwiches in half. As well as creating their very of waves, the children have been sharing their boat creations during their circle times!! During their garden play the children have also shown lots of interest in the icy weather conditions this week, so we created our very own ice cubes!

At home extension task: If your child hasn’t yet created their boat, why not have a go at creating your very own surfboard or boat using recycled materials! The children will then share these during circle time and begin to explore ‘floating and sinking’ using their boats and surf boards linked to the story of Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave!

Our Topic focus have been…

Developing their interest in trains by creating their own little villages and train stations as well as creating train tickets, using large blocks and small world people to create our very own car as well as using our cook books to cook dinner for our friends!

Recently we have had lots of children and staff birthdays within the 3-5’s and therefore lots of the children are showing interest in parties and birthday cakes! This week the children have been using cupcake cases and candles to create their very own birthday cakes using play dough in our Play Dough Area, as well as wrapping up ‘presents’ to play pass the parcel!

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests - Ice play, Mary Poppins, Dragons (noticing ‘steam’ coming from my mouth in cold weather,’) Measuring.

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 4 – Rhythm and rhyme

The aim of this aspect is to develop the children’s knowledge of rhythm and rhyme within speech.

The children will be sharing the story of ‘There’s a Bear on My Chair!’

At home you could:

Continue to share stories, songs and explore clapping out syllables in words.

There is also a fab memorizing show by CBeebies called Magic Hands which has lots of mini programmes about poems and rhymes for children.

Below are a few of the key texts the children will be exploring next week:

When a Dragon Meets a Baby, There's a Bear on my Chair, Rain.

Our Mathematical focus next week will be...

Continuing to develop their conceptual image of numbers 1 – 3 and 1-10 by using fish for their penguins to eat to continue to explore subitising.

Our STEM activities next week will be…

Having a go at creating their very own sandwiches for their Mary Poppins picnic, as well as creating their very of waves!!

At home extension task: Design and create your very own surf board or boat using recycled materials! The children will then share these during circle time and begin to explore ‘floating and sinking’ using their boats and surf boards linked to the story of Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave!

Our Mathematical focus next week will be...

Sharing a variety of wintery pictures, looking at the detail and communicating what we notice, exploring measuring using non standard units as well as measuring tape,

Our STEM activities next week will be...

Exploring floating and sicking with our home made boats!

Our Topic Focus next week will be - Burns Night and Luna New Year as well as...

Creating a variety of Luna New Year crafts, such as a bunny silhouette, lanterns and their very own dragons. Developing the children’s interests in ice, the children will be exploring the patterns they notice within their ice cubes.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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