This week we are following our Week 1 Autumn/Winter menu
Currently there are no planned changes to next week’s menu.
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.
We have had two more confirmed cases of Scarlett fever within our 3-5’s Age Group.
Within our Toddler Age Group we have had a child with loose bowels.
Within our 3-5’s Age Group we have had two children who have been sick.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.
Accounts –
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Hannah H –
2-3’s - Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Extra sessions –
Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -
Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.
Week commencing 19th December - Saffron
Monday 19th December - Hannah H, Florrie, Lara, Chanika
Tuesday 20th December - Hannah J, Hannah H
Wednesday 21st December - Hannah H, Daisy
Thursday 22nd December - Daisy, Alison, Kelsie, Annie, Gwen, Sarah T, Kimberley
Friday 23rd December - Daisy, Alison, Kelsie, Annie, Hannah H (pm), Toni
Walking in a Winter Wonderland!
Creating dinosaur print pictures, using dinosaurs and other animals to walk through the paint. Developing their imagination and role play by pretending to have a picnic with the toy babies and teddies, as well as exploring the snow and creating their very own snowflakes!
Next week they will be...
Continuing to sing a range of Christmas songs and rhymes, creating Father Christmas pictures to explore mark making, as well as having a go at creating New Year firework pictures.
Building snowmen in the garden, creating gingerbread playdough and exploring this to develop our finger muscles. As well as meeting Father Christmas and having lots of fun during our Christmas Sing-a-long!
Next week we will be...
Decorating their very own Christmas cookies, continuing to create a range of Christmassy art work and finding hidden Father Christmas’ around the nursery!
Making Christmas hats and have enjoyed a party tea and a Christmas lunch this week. They have been taking part in Christmas games and parachute ring games. They have also enjoyed Christmas dancing.
This week's book of the week is: Can You Find Santa's Pants?
Next week we will be...
Writing Christmas letters and cards to each other. They will be exploring festive playdough and will continue to take part in Christmas games, songs, and dance-based activities.
Our topic is – Following our children's interests & Christmas
Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics
Sharing a range of Christmas stories and searching for lettered boats within our water tray.
Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.
Our Mathematical focus has been...
Exploring a range of loose parts when creating their very own Christmas Tree’s, snowmen and gingerbread playdough.
Our STEAM activities this week have been…..
Exploring the snow outside this week! The children loved throwing snowballs, creating snow angels, building snowballs and exploring food colouring in the snow.
Our Topic focus have been…
Preforming our Christmas Play to all of our Parents and Carers on Wednesday!
Next week we will be…
Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests + Christmas.
Continuing to complete a range of Christmas activity such as creating their very own Father Christmas’ and Elves, making magic snow, Christmas light pictures.