This week we are following our Week 1 Autumn/Winter menu
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.
Accounts –
Babies – Hannah H –
Toddlers – Hannah H –
2-3’s - Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Extra sessions –
Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -
Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.
Friday 10th February (1/2 Day) – Tabitha
Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th February – Emma Edwards, Kelsie
Wednesday 15th February – Kelsie, Hannah J
Friday 17th February – Tabitha
Spare clothing and lost property
We have a lot of clothing which is unnamed and in need of claiming. If you notice anything that belongs to your child above, please let a member of the Management know. Please can we ask for all of your child’s belongings to be named? It really helps us to reunite them with their owner.
If these are not claimed by Friday 17th February 2023, items will be used as nursery spare clothing and the rest taken to a charity shop.
It is with regret that we must inform you Natalie Harvey and Tasha Paffett are leaving Wonderland for pastures new on Thursday 23rd February 2023.
We would like to take this opportunity in thanking both Natalie and Tasha in their hard work throughout their Wonderland careers. They will both be missed greatly, but we are sure you will join us in wishing them all the luck in their new adventures.
Headlights in the carpark
Please can we ask, if you park at the very top of our nursery car park to be extra mindful of leaving your head lights on. This is causing visibility issues for parents pulling into the nursery car park. Please ensure your lights are off until you are leaving your parking bay.
If you are unable to turn off of your lights due to having automatic lights, could we ask you to park forwards into the bay instead of reversing into the bay.
Nursery Meal Times
Here is a complete over view of the meal times right across the nursery.
Morning Snack Times
Babies – 9 – 9.15am
Toddlers – 9 – 9.15am
2-3’s – 9.15 – 9.30am
3-5’s – 9.30 – 9.45am
Lunch Times
Babies – 11.30 – 12pm
Toddlers – 11.30 – 12pm
2-3’s – 12 – 12.30pm
3-5’s – 12.30 – 1pm
Afternoon Snack Times
Babies – 2.15 – 2.30pm
Toddlers – 2.15 – 2.30pm
2-3’s – 2.30-2.45pm
3-5’s – 2.45-3pm
Tea Times
Babies – 3.30 – 4.00pm
Toddlers – 3.45 – 4.15pm
2-3’s – 4.15 – 4.45pm
3-5’s – 4.45 – 5.15pm
Scarlet Fever, Strep-A & Norovirus Virus
We have had a confirmed case of Scarlet Fever within our 3-5’s Age Group. If you would like some more information on Scarlet Fever please use the link below:
We also have a little poppet who is being precautionaly treated for Strep-A within our Toddler Age Group. If you would like more information on Strep-A please use the link below:
This afternoon we have received an email from Hertfordshire County Council regarding high number of Norovirus cases being reported in the community and outbreaks occurring in nurseries, and care homes.
Norovirus is easily transmitted through contact with people with the infection and any surfaces or objects which have been contaminated with the virus. Symptoms include sudden onset of nausea, projectile vomiting and diarrhoea but can also include a high temperature, abdominal pain and aching limbs.
What to do to stop the spread:
Exclude the infected individual until 48 hours after symptoms have stopped and they are well enough to return to their usual day to day activities. Encourage hand hygiene using soap and warm water.
Alcohol hand gels are not effective against norovirus. Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces frequently using bleach- based cleaning products.
We currently have no confirmed cases of Norovirus at Wonderland.
Developing their finger muscles by practicing brushing their teeth. Using their imagination when learning about looking after others including bathing and giving their cuddly toys cuddles. Exploring our brand-new sensory room! This was a hit with all the children, and they showed such fascination with the bright lights and interactive environment.
Next week we will be...
Creating their very own Valentine’s Day love potions using red food colouring and water.
Taking part in a cooking activity where they made their own apple turnovers. They have been exploring crazy foam outside and have had lots of love exploring the Den and light tube in our new sensory room.
Next week we will be...
Listening to our favourite stories being told with the use of puppets and props. We will have a focus on number related songs during our daily rhyme time. We will also be concentrating on our physical development outside.
Exploring Valentines Day inspired messy trays whilst talking about who we love and family. We have also been having discos with our new light system in the sensory room.
Next week we will be...
Focusing on stories that are centred around love, family, sharing and kindness. They will also be making Valentine’s Day biscuits.
Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests – Birthday’s, Ice creams, Space, Jack and the Bean Stalk.
Our Literacy focus has been…
Continuing to develop our fine motor muscles by threading small hoops onto long pieces of spaghetti as well as threading pipe cleaners into towers and pots. We have also been making marks in a variety of ways, using bingo dabbers, and felt pens. The children have also been exploring fact books about ‘space.’
The children have also continued to explore the story of:
Journey Into space, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Lorax
Our Mathematical focus has been...
Continuing to notice and tell their adults about what they can see within a range of pictures. These have been placed outside the main area for you to read the children’s comments.
Our STEM activities this week have been…..
Exploring our amazing new sensory room, creating our very own Truffula Tree’s The Lorax’ story and making their very own Lorax! The children have also been exploring Valentines Day scented playdough.
Our Topic focus have been…
Following our children’s individual interests - The children have continued to develop their interests in ice cream, birthdays and cooking in a variety of ways this week. Such as opening their very own ice cream shop and restaurant within our outside kitchen.
Next week we will be...
Exploring rugby games in the garden as some of the children have been watching the Six Nations Rugby of the television.
Sharing stories about our emotions and talking about how we calm down if we are feeling frustrated linked to children’s mental health week.
As well as sharing fiction and nonfiction stories about penguins!