Our Team

At Wonderland our staff are dedicated and motivated in the care of our children. All our staff are carefully selected on the basis of their qualifications, experience and requirements for the role. Each member of staff undergoes induction training, which covers areas such as safeguarding children, equal opportunities, health and safety and working together as a team. All members of our team are required to attend training in first aid and safeguarding regardless of their previous experience. Successful applicants are required to provide a minimum of two references and need an enhanced, clear check by the disclosure barring service (formerly called CRB). 

We are committed to supporting the on-going professional development of our staff through local courses, staff meetings and in-house training and recognised childcare qualifications including NVQs. We work in close partnership with YMCA training to ensure that apprentices and learners develop their professional knowledge and skills as well as having practical experience to enable them to develop into rounded practitioners.

The nursery has an Operations Director, Nursery Manager and Deputy Nursery Manager, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge and run the nursery with the support of our appointed team leaders and staff. Our special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) is on hand to offer support and guidance and works in partnership with parents, keycarers and other professionals to ensure children’s individual needs are identified and met. Each age group has a modern apprentice who is additional to the adult to child ratios required by Ofsted.



Dreamland Staff

Discoveryland Staff

Imagination land Staff

Adventureland Staff

Support Staff

Catering Staff

Maintenance Staff

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