Blog Post

Week Commencing 16th January 2023

Wonderland Day Nursery • January 13, 2023

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 16th January 2023

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 1 Autumn/Winter menu

Currently there are no planned changes to next week’s menu.

If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.

Current illness' at Wonderland

In addition to the usual coughs and colds right across the nursery, there are also the following illnesses:

Babies – Conjunctivitis.

Toddlers – Chest infections, sickness and loose stools, Conjunctivitis.

2-3’s – Sickness and loose stools, chest infections.

3-5’s – Nothing new to report!

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.

Accounts –

Babies – Hannah H –

Toddlers – Hannah H –

2-3’s - Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Extra sessions –

Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -

Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.

Staff Holiday

Week commencing 16th January - Florrie

Monday 16th January - Emily H (am)

Friday 3rd February - Karin

Lost glasses

A pair of glasses have been found within the Icknield Centre Bathroom after the 2-3’s and 3-5’s Christmas Carol Concert.

Do they belong to you?

If so, please let a member of The Management Team know.

Welly Walk

Physical Fun

The Babies have been...

Building towers and then knocking them over as well as creating various sounds using everyday objects such as pots and pans. The babies have also enjoyed getting messy and rolling balls across the paper creating different marks using paint.

Next week we will be...

Creating lanterns ready for Lunar New Year, Chinese yoghurt painting to continue exploring how our bodies can make marks when we move our fingers.

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring the textures of different dyed spaghetti using their sense of curiosity, picking it up with their fingers and talking about how it feels. The children have also been learning about roads and vehicles and learning what noises different vehicles make as well as exploring body painting on a large scale!

Next week we will be...

Beginning to dive into the curiosity approach and giving the children the opportunity to explore the world around them through play using everyday items and natural resources.

The 2-3's have been...

Exploring the dinosaurs in a gloopy swamp. They have been creating marks in flour with their fingers and have been creating patterns in paint using pinecones. They have also enjoyed puppet shows and have shown a strong interest in roleplaying being on a train using loose parts.

Next week we will be...

Exploring some of the children’s current interest in the story ‘The tiger who came to tea’. They will provide more opportunities for roleplay in the roleplay area. They will also be extending the children’s interest in frozen by creating an interactive frozen scene.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Following our children's interests -  Mary Poppins, Pirates, Space, Goldilocks and the three bears, Nail painting.

Our Phonics focus have been…

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 6 - Voice sounds

The children have been continuing to develop their ability to distinguish between vocal sounds as well beginning to have a go at oral blending and segmenting. The children have been recording their own voices using our sound buttons and encouraging their peers to guess who has left the message.

The children have also continued to explore the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and What Ever Next - acting out the stories and identifying repeated phrases and key words from the story.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Using real porridge oats to act out creating the 3 bears breakfast from the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears as well as using elastic bands to create a variety of shapes.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Mathematical development at home.

Our STEM activities this week have been…..

Continuing to decorate our planets using a variety of paints and glitter as well as creating our very own moon sand!! We then used our fingers to create marks, patterns and letters within the moon sand.

As well as exploring our real Christmas Tree’s using our senses- smelling the tree, painting with the tea, touching the tea to explore its texture.

Our Topic focus have been…

Continuing to extend our children’s interests such as creating our very own kites just like the ones in Mary Poppins and painting our very own nails (once we had drawn around our hands.) As well as creating our very own pirate maps.

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 7 – Oral Blending

It is important for the children to have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling oral blending before they are introduced to grapheme and phoneme correspondences.

Therefore, at nursery we are practicing our oral blending words such as c-u-p at snack times and h-a-t when putting on our outdoor clothing for the garden.

At home you could:

Continue to share stories with your child at home, identify a variety of CVC words and model how to segment (split up) the word. C-a-t, r-e-d etc.

When your child is playing with animals, cars or play food you could do the same thing and segment the word, such as d-o-g.

Below are a few of the key texts the children will be exploring next week:

Elmer, Whatever Next, Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave, On The Launch Pad.

Our Mathematical focus next week will be...

Continuing to develop their conceptual image of numbers 1 – 3 and 1-10 by using fish for their penguins to eat to continue to explore subitising.

Our STEM activities next week will be…

Having a go at creating their very own sandwiches for their Mary Poppins picnic, as well as creating their very of waves!!

At home extension task: Design and create your very own surf board or boat using recycled materials! The children will then share these during circle time and begin to explore ‘floating and sinking’ using their boats and surf boards linked to the story of Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave!

Our Topic focus next week will be…

Creating our very own penguins, using photographs of real penguins to then paint their own, developing their interest in trains by creating their own little villages and train stations as well as creating train tickets.

Recently we have had lots of children’s birthdays within the 3-5’s and therefore lots of the children are showing interest in parties and birthday cakes! Next week the children will be using cupcake cases and candles to create their very own birthday cakes using play dough in our Play Dough Area, as well as wrapping up ‘presents’ to play pass the parcel!

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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