Blog Post

Week Commencing 4th October 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • October 1, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 4th October 2021

Who can I contact within my child's age group?

If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:

Babies – Sophie – or Corrin –

Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs) –

2-3’s – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri) –

This week's menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/ Summer menu.

There are changes to our planned Monday menu and these are as follows:

The children will be enjoying tuna pasta for lunch instead of Salmon spaghetti.

Tiny Mites Music is back!

Tiny Mites will be taking place on Wednesday morning! Keep a look out on your child’s Tapestry account to see the fun had during these sessions.

SEND Advice for parents and carers

Please see below the contact details of several advice lines available to you, if you have any concerns about your child. The Wonderland Team are also always on hand to also talk about any concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate in contacting a member of the Management Team using the email address on page one of this newsletter.

Thank you for your support!!

We are pleased to announce with your amazing support, we have raised a fantastic £165.47 for MacMillan during our cake and coffee sale as well as £66.70 for Jeans for Genes. A big thank you to those parents and children who have supported us in raising money for the charities above!

Positive Case of COVID-19 3-5’s Age Group

It has been bought to our attention yesterday that one of our 3-5’s children have tested positive for COVID-19. The child has not been in nursery since last Thursday and is currently completing their isolation. This child was a close contact of a family member who was also positive. We will continue to closely monitor all children and our staff for COVID-19 symptoms.

Thank you to those parents who have taken their child for a PCR test. We really appreciate your understanding and on-going support in ensuring everyone remains safe within our Wonderland community.

Chicken Pox

We can confirm that we have had a confirmed case of chicken pox within our Baby Unit. Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children, although you can get it at any age.

If you suspect your child has Chickenpox, please contact your GP to get this confirmed. Once this has been confirmed your child must stay at home until all spots have scabbed over.

If you would like some more information regarding Chickenpox, please look on the NHS website. Link provided below:

The Babies have been...

Exploring the bubble tube to follow and identify the fishes, exploring the cars and trains whilst using their symbolic sounds, having a go at traveling using the push along cars as well as exploring their likes and dislikes when tasting a range of fruits.

Next week we will be...

Printing with Harvest vegetables.

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring the world around them during their garden play, using their senses to explore the plants and leaves within the nursery garden. As well as developing their knowledge of cause and effect by playing with the ball drop, the children also had a go at placing the red balls through the red entrance and the yellow balls through the yellow entrance. The Toddlers have also been developing their friendships and cooperative play by exploring the bikes and cars together.

Next week we will be...

Developing our finger muscles whilst playing with the scented play dough, having a go at creating Halloween crafts and building and constructing using large 3d objects.

The 2-3's have been...

Developing roleplay skills when exploring a messy play town with the small world people. They have been using their senses to explore a range of textured materials and have been developing their ability answer and ask questions when talking about the materials.

Next week we will be...

Creating ghosts on paper plates using paint and cotton wool. We will be celebrating and learning about harvest festival when exploring Autumn vegetables and will be printing with them. We will also be painting pumpkins black and using them as a ‘chalkboard’ to create marks on with chalk.

The 3-5's have been...

Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”

Our Topic activities has been…

Exploring the Autumn Harvest farm small world tray, caring for the babies by putting nappies on them, signing a range of nursery rhymes such as Incy Wincy Spider. The children have also created their own potions in the mud kitchen as well as developing our gross motor movements when digging in the mud tray, manoeuvring the wheelbarrows, jumping over the hurdles during our garden play and using scissors safely to create snips in paper.

Our Phonics focus has been…

Signing the alphabet, recognising their names in a range of ways such as using stickers to stick over the letters in their name, exploring the letter and mark making table to use the wooden letters provided to create a range of CVC words and familiar names of our family.

Our Mathematical focus has been…

Exploring capacity in a range of ways as well as attempting to balance the measuring scales using a range of natural objects.

Next week we will be...

Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”

Our Phonics focus will be…

Continuing to identify the initial sounds of our names as well as exploring our key stories for this month. These are; Owl Babies, Going On A Bear Hunt and What The Ladybird Heard.

Our Mathematical focus will be…

Exploring numerals in the environment as well as matching numerals to quantity in a variety of ways.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland management team.

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