If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Babies – Corrin – corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs) – nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
2-3’s – Toni – toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
3-5’s – Emma E –
Why not have a go at creating the Pumpkin Pie playdough the children have enjoyed exploring this week. Here is the method and ingredients you will need.
We can confirm that we have had another confirmed case of chicken pox within our Baby Unit, this is now two children. Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children, although you can get it at any age. If you suspect your child has Chickenpox, please contact your GP to get this confirmed. Once this has been confirmed your child must stay at home until all spots have scabbed over.
If you would like some more information regarding Chickenpox, please look on the NHS website. Link provided below:
We can confirm that we have had confirmed cases of Croup within our 3-5’s age group and our Baby Unit as well as Tonsillitis and Bronchiolitis within the Baby Unit.
Hand, foot, and mouth is rife within the local community currently and in turn has made its way into the Wonderland community. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common childhood illness that can also affect adults. This usually gets better on its own in 7 to 10 days.
The first signs of hand, foot and mouth disease can be a sore throat, a high temperature and not wanting to eat. After a few days mouth ulcers and a rash will appear. If you would like more information, please follow the link to the NHS website below.
Whilst there is no exclusion from nursery, your child must be well enough within themselves to attend nursery. We have had confirmed cases within our 2-3’s and Toddler age group. Please could we ask you to let a member of the Management Team know if you have had your child confirmed with hand, foot, and mouth so that we can ensure we keep our pregnant staff members safe.
Art Projects for Schools, established in 1997, is the leading supplier of fundraising creative projects to primary schools and educational settings. The Christmas Card Project has seen the transformation of 220,000 artworks into almost 6 million Christmas cards over the 8 weeks leading up to Christmas in one year.
All of the children at Wonderland have worked hard to create their very own Christmas Card. This is available to order using the simple steps below:
1. Visit www.apfsorders.co.uk
2. Enter the unique artwork code found on the back of your child’s artwork.
3. Place your order.
4. Return your child’s artwork to Wonderland. Without your child’s artwork your order cannot print your order!
We are delighted to confirm Zoo Lab will be visiting nursery on the morning of Thursday 28th October. Zoo Lab will be bringing a range of animal / insect visitors into nursery for the children to explore and learn about. Keep an eye on your child’s Tapestry account to see the children enjoying this session.
If your child would like to dress up in Halloween friendly outfits (nothing too scary please) they are able to do this during the week of 25th October.
We are pleased to confirm we have booked ElGood Photography to attend Wonderland on 16th November. If you would like your child to have a change of outfit for their photo, please place this in a named carrier bag and let your child’s key carer know.
If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Thursday and you wish for them to still have their picture taken, please email
emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.co.uk to arrange a time that you can pop in with your child. Nearer the time we will allocate times to those parents and children who are ‘popping in.’
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin – corrin@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs) – nichola@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
2-3’s – Toni – toni@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
3-5’s – Emma E –
Creating sensory tents using the parachute, creating family fish pictures, and exploring how to make marks using water and brushes during our garden play. The babies have also been joining in with nursery rhymes and number songs during their singing times.
Next week we will be...
Taking part in colourful rice play, continuing to explore texture whilst exploring our sensory mirrors and new sensory area as well as climbing and moving under and over the climbing frame and baby apparatus.
Exploring messy play during full body gloop play and the sounds animals make this week. The children have also enjoyed their Tiny Mites session, singing songs and taking part in action songs such as Row, Row, Row Your Boat. They have started to develop their use of cutlery by cutting their own fruit and creating a fruit salad.
Next week we will be...
Starting to create our Halloween crafts, taking part in large scale drawings and learning to share with our peers by playing games such as roll the ball and taking turns whilst building towers.
Celebrating Harvest festival and embracing Autumn when exploring a range of vegetable including pumpkins and squashes. They then used the vegetables to print and create marks on paper with using paint. They have been pretending to dig and build with tools in sand and corn flour. They have also been learning about body parts by drawing body parts onto outlines of their own bodies.
Next week we will be...
Going for an animal sound hunt by seeking out animals around the nursery and creating their sounds. We will be making Autumn spiced playdough and will be manipulating it to create Autumn shapes. We will also be making our own musical instruments using cups and bottles and filling them with rice and oats to make shakers.
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Topic activities has been…
Creating our own fire engines and then pretending to put out a ‘fire’ in the garden whilst pretending to be a firefighter. The children have also created their very own pizza’s during their garden play, using their fantastic imaginations to then ‘cook’ these pizzas in the ‘oven.’
Our Phonics focus has been…
Continuing to develop our interest in books, creating a puppet theatre as well as exploring the story of the Colour Monster to develop our awareness of feelings and good choices.
Our Mathematical focus has been…
Exploring floating and sinking whilst creating our own boats in the water tray as well as making spiders using playdough. The children then touch counted how many legs their spider had.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.”
Our Phonics focus will be…
Singing along with the Jolly Phonics songs and actions as well as exploring rhyme and alliteration when putting on our h-a-t-s!.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Sorting natural objects into groups of the same colour and shape, exploring the shapes of different leaves when threading around the edge of each leaf.
Within the 3-5’s we have also been developing lots of different skills as stated below to support us in our reading journey.