Blog Post

Week Commencing 12th July 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • July 9, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News 

WC 12th July 2021

Drop off and collection times for the next two weeks

WC 12th July 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am 3-5 age group Garden door
8:30am-9:00am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am Toddlers Garden door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm 3-5 age group Garden door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm Toddlers Garden door

WC 19th July 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am Toddlers Garden back door
8:00am-8:25am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am 3-5 age group Garden back door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm Toddlers Garden back door
5:00pm – 5:25pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 3-5 age group Garden back door

Breakfast club

Is only available for families whose week it is to drop off at 8:00 – 8:30am. Breakfast club needs to be booked with a member of the management team. There is an additional charge for breakfast club and limited spaces. Please email any of the following email address:

Lunchtime collections

Please can we remind you all to continue to drop off and collect your children during their allocated bubble times. This is to ensure we are not mixing bubbles and maintaining our social distancing guidelines. The times are as follows:
Drop off times Collection times Entrance to use
8:00am - 8:25am 1.00pm – 1:25pm 2-3’s – nursery front door.
8:30am - 9:00am 1:30pm - 2.00pm Toddlers and 3-5’s – Office door

Who can I contact within my child’s age group?

If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri)–

This week’s menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/ Summer menu.

There are no planned changes to our menu currently, however our amazing kitchen team will make changes on a daily basis if needed due to the hot weather. If there are any unplanned changes these will be share with you on your child’s individual handover sheet.

Staff Holidays

All week – Tabitha + Denise + Ashleigh

Monday 12th – Amy + Abby

Tuesday 13th – Friday 16th – Sarah T

Friday 16th – Lili C

COVID-19 Rules When Travelling to Red,

Green and Amber Countries.

As the summer period is fast approaching many families are going on holiday.

With this in mind we have the following information for you regarding travelling overseas.

Covid-19 Regulation Update

As you all know the Government has recently shared plans to ‘relax’ the current restrictions in place. We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure we have picked apart the latest guidance given to us here at Wonderland and what this means going forward for the nursery. The Government has realised a ‘one size fits all’ approach to living with COVID-19 which unfortunately is not the case within an early year’s nursery. As we are sure you can appreciate this is not a quick job, so please be patient with us and we will be in contact to share ‘what’s next at Wonderland’ very soon.

Fundraising for Charity

Two of our staff members are taking part in fundraising challenges.

Denise our nursery cook is raising money for Cancer Research.

Here is her Cancer Research UK Fundraising page:

And Florrie (3-5’s key carer) is raising money for Autism.

Abseil for Autism. It's on the 19th September.

This is Florrie’s Just Giving Page:

Administering Medicine

At Wonderland we can administer prescribed medication or medication that has been bought over the counter. Please can you make sure we have the medication box so that we can check ingredients and dosages as well as a prescription label. 

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Children’s Leaving Dates.

If your child is leaving Wonderland for school this September, please ensure you have emailed across their last day to a member of the management team. Our email addresses are on page 2 of this newsletter. We ask for four weeks written notice to ensure your child’s booking pattern and final invoice is correct before they leave Wonderland. Thank you in your cooperation in this. 

3-5’s Graduation

Unfortunately, this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to invite parents and carers of our 3-5’s children in to celebrate their graduation in nursery. 

However, we will be having a Graduation Party for our leavers on Thursday 22nd July. 

The children will be enjoying a party tea, complete party games and receive a certificate from their key carer within their 3-5 bubble. 

The children who will be leaving Wonderland before Thursday 22nd July will still receive their graduation certificates and have a party with their 3-5 friends on their last day at Wonderland. 

Pictures and videos will of course be shared on your child’s Tapestry account. 

We understand this is disappointing and not the way we wanted to say goodbye to our 3-5’s but we need to continue to keep everyone safe during these uncertain times.

We would like to take this opportunity in wishing all our 3-5 children who are transitioning to new settings luck and best wishes as they continue their learning journeys. 

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Support with Potty Training

ERIC – the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity have lots of useful tips and support all about potty training. There is also information and tips when beginning potty training with children who have additional needs. In addition, there are videos, resources, information on when to start potty training, frequently asked questions and much more. All of this is accessible through their website: 

The Babies Have Been...

Creating their very own flags and footballs to show their support for the England football team, exploring texture and water play, using a range of boats, spoons, cups and funnels to explore how water can travel and celebrated our peers’ birthdays. 

Next week they will be

Decorating lion pictures, developing our fine motor muscles by playing with playdough and peel tape and developing our coordination and gross motor movements when moving across the soft play. 

The Toddlers Have Been…

Making pizzas by rolling out the dough and adding the sauce and toppings. They have been using instruments to create sounds whilst singing. They will also be identifying animals by their sounds and will be taking part in a sensory activity when exploring gloop.

Next week they will be

Developing roleplay skills when having a pretend tea party with the dolls. We will be creating marks on paper using cars with crayons attached. We will also be creating shapes when exploring the playdough.

The 2-3's Have Been…

Developing roleplay skills when having a pretend tea party with the dolls. We will be creating marks on paper using cars with crayons attached. We will also be creating shapes when exploring the playdough.

Next week they will be

Talking about our families and drawing family portraits. We will be exploring water beads and sorting them by colour as part of a sensory activity. We will also be making marks by spraying coloured water onto crazy foam. 

The 3-5's Have Been…

Our new topic is – ‘‘Following our children’s individual interests.’

Our Topic activities has been….

Completing Euro bingo using different countries flags, playing football in the garden, learning about where chocolate comes from to celebrate World Chocolate Day as well as creating our very own chocolate cakes, exploring our fruit and vegetable stall, and developing our role play when creating stories using the small world Paw Patrol figures within our textured gloop tray. 

Our Phonics focus has been…

Reading a range of sight words and CVC words written on footballs, having a go at writing, and recognising our own names as well as forming recognisable letters to create an England Flag to cheer on the England football team. 

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Identifying 2D shapes whilst exploring our ‘Tap, tap boards’ to create simple representations, forming numerals 0-5, 5-10 and 10+ in a variety of ways, matching numerals to quantity as well as ordering objects of size.  

Next week we will be…

Our new topic is – ‘Celebrating the anniversary of the moon landing.’

Our Topic interests will be…

Exploring a moon and space small world tuff tray to develop our understanding of space and to celebrate the anniversary of the moon landing. We will also be continuing to develop our awareness of BSL sign language using our signs to communicate singing a variety of nursery rhymes.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Sharing the stories, ‘Back To Earth With A Bump’ and ‘Whatever’s Next!’ We will then be having a go at acting out the stories and identifying the beginning, middle and end of each story. 

Our Mathematical focus will be exploring…

Continuing to explore 2d shape in a variety of ways. The children will be using shaped sponges to create patterns and to talk about shape properties. The children will also be exploring addition when adding two groups of objects together to identify the total. This will be extended to the children recording a number sentence.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland management team.

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