Drop off times | Age group | Entrance to use |
8:00am-8:25am | Toddlers | Garden back door |
8:00am-8:25am | 2-3 age group | Main door |
8:30am-9:00am | 3-5 age group | Garden back door |
Collection times | Age group | Collection point |
5:00pm – 5:25pm | Toddlers | Garden back door |
5:00pm – 5:25pm | 2-3 age group | Main door |
5:30pm – 6:00pm | 3-5 age group | Garden back door |
Drop off times | Age group | Entrance to use |
8:00am-8:25am | 3-5 age group | Garden door |
8:30am-9:00am | 2-3 age group | Main door |
8:30am-9:00am | Toddlers | Garden door |
Collection times | Age group | Collection point |
5:00pm – 5:25pm | 3-5 age group | Garden door |
5:30pm – 6:00pm | 2-3 age group | Main door |
5:30pm – 6:00pm | Toddlers | Garden door |
Drop off times | Collection times | Entrance to use |
8:00am - 8:25am | 1.00pm – 1:25pm | 2-3’s – nursery front door. |
8:30am - 9:00am | 1:30pm - 2.00pm | Toddlers and 3-5’s – Office door |
This week we are following our Week 2 Spring/ Summer menu.
There are no planned changes to our menu currently, however our amazing kitchen team will make changes on a daily basis if needed due to the hot weather. If there are any unplanned changes these will be share with you on your child’s individual handover sheet.
All week – Emma C + Emma F
Monday 28th June – Corrin + Gary
Thursday 1st July (pm) – Lily R
Thursday 1st July – Nikki B + Sarah T
Friday 2nd July – Emma E + Kiya + Sarah T
Friday 2nd July – Ashleigh (pm)
Even though COVID-19 restrictions are easing.
There are still families who have vulnerable members as well as family members who have not yet had their COVID-19 vaccinations. Therefore, until we are issued updated COVID-19 guidance we will continue to implement our COVID-19 restrictions and polices.
Which means the following is still in place.
• Social distancing remains in place – please ensure you are not passing others in the queue.
• Bubbles remain in place.
• Drop off and pick up times remain in place.
• Face coverings remain a requirement unless you are exempt.
• Visitors remain prohibited within the nursery building unless they are an educational professional who is here to work with a specific child for a specific need.
• Lateral Flow tests should still be taken twice a week if you have none of the COVID-19 symptoms stated below. (Lateral flow tests are not recommended for use on children of nursery age, the government website states that the lateral flow test service can only be used by children 11 years and older.)
• You MUST still ensure a PCR test is taken by anyone in your households who shows symptoms of COVID-19, cough, temp, change or loss of sense of taste or smell.
• 10 days isolation is still in place.
• Please remember if your child is isolating and therefore not attending nursery you will not be charged nursery fees during this time.
• If your child goes home from nursery in the morning with a COVID-19 symptom you will be charged for your morning session but not the afternoon session.
• If your child goes home during the afternoon with a COVID-19 symptom you will be charged for a full nursery day.
• If one of your children has COVID-19 symptoms, then the entire household should isolate including other siblings at Wonderland.

We will of course keep you updated as we receive new updates over the next few months.
Please could you ensure you are sending your children into nursery in clothing that is labelled and is not of great value. The children take part in lovely activities throughout their nursery day such as painting, mud play and water play. Our staff do their best to ensure all clothing is returned home to their owners, but things do go missing and on occasion clothing can get stained.
We will do our very best to locate missing items but please do bear with us whilst we are searching for the missing items.
Could we also take the opportunity to remind you all to please encourage your children to leave their toys at home. This is part of our COVID procedures to ensure germs are not being bought into the setting and to prevent the children in getting upset if their toy is lost at nursery.
The family centre is currently running a competition to win a set of Julia Donaldson books.
If you would like to enter, simply register with the Hertfordshire Family Centre Services by completing their online registration form at www.facebook.com/northhertsfamilycentres.org by 9th July. You will then be entered into the draw, and they will contact us directly to announce who has won the prize by Friday 16th July.
Two of our staff members are taking part in fundraising challenges.
Denise our nursery cook is raising money for Cancer Research.
Here is her Cancer Research UK Fundraising page: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/denise-and-laurence-simpson
And Florrie (3-5’s key carer) is raising money for Autism.
Abseil for Autism. It's on the 19th September.
This is Florrie’s Just Giving Page:
Creating ‘Groom Hats and Bridal Wands’ in celebration of a staff members wedding (Emma C,) exploring how they can use water to create marks on their chalk boards with their fingers and paint brushes and have continued to develop their communication by sharing a variety of stories.
Next week they will be
Creating firework pictures when celebrating the 4th of July celebrations, using paint, paint brushes and glitter, going on a walk to the local park and learning how to use their fine motor skill sin the texture trays.
Using different sized blocks to create towers to develop our knowledge of tall and short, moving in a range of ways to music whilst dancing with our peers and role playing being a chef and having a picnic.
Next week they will be
Taking part in whole body painting sessions, developing our speech through singing nursery rhymes, developing our gross motor movements when exploring the obstacle course during our garden play. The Toddlers will also be playing ‘Roll the Tractor’ to developing turn taking skills and to develop our awareness of our peers names.
Taking part in an activity where they created a muddy farm and cleaned and cared for the farm animals after playing with them in the mud. They have been taking turns to dive through hoops onto landing mats. They have also been exploring a range of dry and wet textured objects and media whilst learning describing words.
Next week they will be
Using tweezers to practice fine motor skills when picking up small pom poms and sorting them by colour. We will be taking part in a bear hunt themed obstacle course outside. We will also be exploring paint with foil and bubble wrap and will be taking part in guess the sound activities.
Our new topic is – ‘Following our children’s individual interests.’
Our Topic activities has been….
Creating flags and banners in support of the England football team. We have also been looking at flags from around the world and the flags of our families, Wales, Scotland, Germany. Have you seen our amazing bunting in the nursery windows?
We have also been sharing a range of nursery rhymes and counting songs using sign language. At Wonderland we use a mixture of BSL signs and Makaton signs. If you would like to learn sign language too, please have a look at the following videos; Singing Hands: The Wheels on the Bus - Makaton Sign Language - Singing Hands: The Wheels on the Bus - Makaton Sign Language - YouTube, We're Going to the Zoo with Makaton - Singing
Hands - We're Going to the Zoo with Makaton - Singing Hands - YouTube, Makaton - FIVE CURRANT BUNS - Singing Hands - Makaton - FIVE CURRANT BUNS - Singing Hands - YouTube, Singing Hands: Five Little Firemen - Nursery Rhyme - Makaton Sign Language - Singing Hands: Five Little Firemen - Nursery Rhyme - Makaton Sign Language - YouTube
Our Phonics focus has been…
Continuing to develop our knowledge of phonic sounds by singing our Jolly Phonic songs, developing our awareness of initial sounds in words by sorting objects from our ‘sound Bin’ and matching these with their initial sound letter.
Our Mathematical focus has been…
Matching numerals to quantity by creating our very own Number Monsters. The children have been identifying how many facial features they use to create their own monster, for example, two eyes, four teeth etc.
Next week we will be…
Our new topic is – ‘Following our children’s individual interests’
Our Topic interests will be…
Taking part in Paw Patrol ice play, role playing becoming a vet and a doctor to make people and animals feel better, explore squeegee painting and having a go at putting on our school uniforms independently.
Our Phonics focus will be…
Continuing to explore letters and the sounds they make by creating phonics buckets as well as creating a range of CVC words using letter stones.
Our Mathematical focus will be exploring…
How to tell the time using digital and analogue clocks to develop our awareness of our nursery routine and key events such as lunch time and home time. We will also be taking part in number yoga and creating a Paw Patrol number line to develop our knowledge of number sequences.