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Week Commencing 6th December 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • December 13, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 6th December 2021

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 1 Autumn/Winter menu.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.

Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–

2-3’s – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Face coverings and social distancing

Please can we remind all parents and carers to please wear a face covering if they are not exempt when dropping off and collecting your children. This is to ensure we are keeping the Wonderland community safe.

Thank you in your cooperation in this matter.

Sending letters to Father Christmas

If your child has made a letter to Father Christmas why not send a copy or the letter it’s self to the Royal Mail by the 8th December, then they will receive a personalised response from Father Christmas himself.

Top Tips For Children's Teeth From Hertfordshire Family Centre

Staff holiday

Week Commencing 6th December – Ellie D and Sophie H

Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th December – Emma F + Sophie P

Monday 6th December – Denise + Lili C

Wednesday 8th December – Corrin + Nicole

Thursday 9th December – Hannah J + Lara + Nichola

Friday 10th December - Jacqui

Christmas Events

It is with regret that we must share with you all that this year we will unfortunately not be holding our Christmas celebrations at the Icknield Centre. This has not been an easy decision but a decision we feel is necessary to ensure the safety of all our Wonderland Families and our staff team in these still uncertain times.

We will be practicing our own internal room performances and will publish them on Tapestry for you to see. We are aware that there are some children that are not allowed in other children’s videos or pictures, these children will still participate in their internal room performances but they we will not be included within everyone else’s Tapestry journals.

Here are the planned events coming up at Wonderland:

Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Party Tea (However, if your child does not attend Wonderland on a Friday, they are more than welcome to wear their Christmas jumper throughout the week of 6th December.)

Tuesday 14th December - Christmas Lunch for the entire nursery.

Wednesday 15th December – Babies and Toddler Christmas sing-along (morning session.) As well as a visit from Father Christmas + 3-5’s Pantomime Trip.

Thursday 16th December – 2-3’s and 3-5’s Christmas Sing-along (morning session.) As well as a visit from Father Christmas.

The children will of course be taking part in lots of lovely Christmassy activities in addition to the above. Keep an eye on your child’s Tapestry account for updates!

Gary's Christmas Grotto!

Gary has worked his magic and created an amazing Santa’s Grotto in our nursery garden. The children have loved exploring this special area throughout their garden times. I’m sure you will join us all in saying a huge THANK YOU to Gary!

The Babies have been...

Enjoying continuing to develop their communication skills and vocabulary through sharing a range of stories to identify animals. With our adults help we identified symbolic sounds that the animals make and share a range of nursery rhymes and Christmas songs throughout their Tiny Mites Session.

Next week we will be...

Continuing with a range of Christmas crafts as well as practising their Christmas songs.

The babies will also be exploring their Santa’s Grotto!

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring our Santa’s Grotto during our garden play, creating their very own Christmas Tree’s using paint and glitter and making marks in sand and water.

Next week we will be...

Exploring how our bodies move in a range of ways using bikes and scooters as well as traveling in a range of ways over an obstacle course.

The 2-3's have been...

Taking part in yoga sessions to explore how their bodies can move in a range of ways and to learn ways to keep themselves calm. The children have also been exploring the Christmas decorations and creating a range of Christmassy crafts. The 2-3’s also completed a number hunt around the 2-3’s areas within the nursery and the nursery garden and took part in their Tiny Mites music and dance session.

Next week we will be...

Continuing to explore wintery sensory trays, creating their very own wintery pictures and Christmas hats and practicing their Christmas songs for their Christmas sing along. The children will also be making a Christmas bauble number line.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our new topic is – Winter and Christmas!

Our Topic activities has been… Everything Christmassy! Such as creating baubles, handprint reindeers, paper chains, Christmas trees, and our very own paintings using the Polar Express to drive through the paint.

Our Phonics focus has been… Writing our Christmas cards to our families and posting these into our Christmas post box, using our phonic knowledge to record recognisable letters onto our own letters and signing their letters writing their own names.

Our Mathematical focus has been… Continuing to recognise numerals 0 -10 in a range of ways, such as creating wooden houses and placing door numbers onto them, touch counting dinosaurs in their Winter Wonderland and matching the number of dinosaurs to the correct numeral as well as playing dominoes with our peers and nursery adults.

Next week we will be...

Our new topic is – Winter and Christmas!

Our Phonics focus will be… Forming letters in snow and searching for initial sounds in the Artic water tray.

Our Mathematical focus will be… Creating snowmen using a range of different shapes for their heads and bodies. The children will also be counting in two’s when creating Father Christmas’ sleigh and reindeer.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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