This week we are following our Week 2 Autumn/Winter menu.
There are the following changes:
Monday lunchtime – Spaghetti Bolognaise and fresh fruit for pudding
Dinner – Pizza and yoghurt for pudding.
Tuesday – Christmas Lunch at lunch time and sandwiches for dinner.
Wednesday Dinner time – Soup and a bread roll.
If there are any other changes occur during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
If your child has been sent home for a PCR test due to presenting COVID-19 symptoms you will receive a credit note back to your payment account within your next invoice.
The credit will be issued depending on what time your child has been sent home. For example,
If your child usually attends a full day session and they are sent home before 1pm, you will receive a credit note for the afternoon session.
If your child only attends a morning session you will not be refunded the morning session.
During the time that you are waiting for your child’s PCR results, you will be refunded their usual nursery sessions. However, if your child’s PCR result comes back negative during the day, they will be able to attend their usual nursery session, and therefore you will be charged for this.
It has been bought to our attention today that one of our Baby Room parents have tested positive for COVID-19. The baby last attended nursery on Wednesday 8th December and will be having a precautionary PCR. If the baby tests positive for COVID-19 we will be in contact with those children and staff members who would be deemed a ‘close contact’ of the baby with advice of what to do next.
We really appreciate your understanding and on-going support in ensuring everyone remains safe within our Wonderland community.
Measles can be unpleasant, but will usually pass in about 7 to 10 days without causing any further problems. Once you have had measles, your body builds up resistance (immunity) to the virus and it’s highly unlikely you’ll get it again.
The initial symptoms of measles develop around 10 days after you’re infected. These can include:
- Cold like symptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing and a cough.
- Sore, red eyes that may be sensitvie to light.
- A high temperature, which may reach around 40C.
- Small greyish-white spots on the inside of the cheeks.
A few days later, a red-brown blotchy rash will appear. This usually starts on the head or upper neck before spreading outwards to the rest of the body.
The measles virus is containted in the millions of tiny droplets that come out of the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
People with measles are infectious form when the symptoms develop until about 4 days after the rash first appears.
If you would like any other information, please follow the link to the NHS website:
We have had a confirmed case of Conjunctivitis in our Baby Unit. Conjunctivitis is an eye condition caused by an infection or an allergy. It usually gets better in a few weeks without any treatment however it is best to get this checked with a GP to identify if this is bacterial or viral Conjunctivitis and if treatment is needed.
There is no isolation away from nursery for Conjunctivitis and the Wonderland Team can administer eye drops to your child if needed. Please ensure you complete a Medication Form with a member of the Wonderland Team when dropping your child off at nursery.
We can confirm that we have two confirmed cases of Tonsillitis with our 2-3’s Room.
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils at the back of your throat. It is a common childhood illness, but teenagers and adults can get it too. Tonsillitis can feel like a bad cold or flu. The tonsils at the back of your throat will be red and swollen.
The main symptoms in children and adults are:
• a sore throat
• problems swallowing
• a high temperature of 38C or above
• coughing
• a headache
• feeling sick
• earache
• feeling tired
Sometimes the symptoms can be more severe and include:
• swollen, painful glands in your neck (feels like a lump on the side of your neck)
• white pus-filled spots on your tonsils
• bad breath
The Wonderland Team can administer your children’s antibiotics if these have been prescribed by your child’s doctor. Please ensure you complete a Medication Form with a member of the Wonderland Team when dropping your child off at nursery.
Week commencing 13th December – Ma
Monday 13th December – Jacqui, Tara, Kelsie, Rachel.
Tuesday 14th December – Lara, Rachel.
Wednesday 15th – Friday 17th December – Kelly.
Thursday 16th and Friday 17th December – Daisy + Sukhi.
Thursday 16th December – Hannah J, Hannah B, Lara.
Friday 17th December – Sophie P, Toni, Sasha.
It is with regret that we must share with you all that this year we will unfortunately not be holding our Christmas celebrations at the Icknield Centre. This has not been an easy decision but a decision we feel is necessary to ensure the safety of all our Wonderland Families and our staff team in these still uncertain times.
We will be practicing our own internal room performances and will publish them on Tapestry for you to see. We are aware that there are some children that are not allowed in other children’s videos or pictures, these children will still participate in their internal room performances but they we will not be included within everyone else’s Tapestry journals.
Here are the planned events coming up at Wonderland:
Tuesday 14th December - Christmas Lunch for the entire nursery.
Wednesday 15th December – Babies and Toddler Christmas sing-along (morning session.) As well as a visit from Father Christmas + 3-5’s Pantomime Trip.
Thursday 16th December – 2-3’s and 3-5’s Christmas Sing-along (morning session.) As well as a visit from Father Christmas.
(3-5’s parents, please make sure you remember your child’s Christmassy jumper / outfit, for your child to wear during their Christmas performance.)
The children will of course be taking part in lots of lovely Christmassy activities in addition to the above. Keep an eye on your child’s Tapestry account for updates!
At HENRY there is a wealth of information to support babies and children in getting the best possible start in life. This means supporting the whole family to make positive lifestyle changes, creating healthier and happier home environments, and building healthier communities. Here is an informative poster about food labels. For more information why not have a look at HENRY’s website:
Exploring their Santa’s Grotto, whilst joining in with Christmas songs and rhymes. The babies have also been creating a range of Winter pictures and building small towers with Duplo blocks.
Next week we will be...
Taking part in their Christmas Tiny Mites music session, creating Christmas pine tree pictures using their finger prints and also dressing up to begin to develop their imaginative play.
Exploring playdough to investigate textures, as well as painting with their hands and feet. The Toddlers have also been exploring how to role play with the toy babies. The Toddlers have been putting their babies to sleep and feeding them in the highchairs.
Next week we will be...
Writing their Christmas letters to Father Christmas to take home, dressing up in our Christmas role play clothes, decorating cupcakes and taking part in our Christmas Tiny Mites session.
Creating their very own Christmas Wreaths, building, and constructing using the sensory blocks, developing their fine motor skills by hammering golf tees into playdough and identifying numerals whilst playing in their toy shop.
Next week we will be...
Creating their very own Christmas tree hats, going on a reindeer hunt around the 2-3 areas, taking part in foil painting using different tools and cars to make marks in the paint as well as learning about different seasons.
Our new topic is – Winter and Christmas!
Our Topic activities has been… Creating Winter pictures and Christmas Crackers using a range of resources, as well as creating their very own Christmas Stockings. The children then decorated their stocking using recourses of their choice.
Our Phonics focus has been… Sharing our Jolly Phonics songs and drawing letters in the air!
Our Mathematical focus has been… Constructing in a range of ways this week to explore size and Mathematical language such as ‘tall’ and ‘short.’
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – Winter and Christmas!
Our Phonics focus will be… Sharing the story of The Jolly Postman! Whilst sharing the story the children will be identifying initial sounds s, a, t, p, I ,n and writing and posting their own letters.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Continuing to explore size by creating our very own winter washing line.