This week we are following our Week 2 Autumn/Winter menu.
If there are any other changes occur during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
As we are sure you are aware there have been quite a few changes to the Government Guidelines regarding COVID-19 over the last week. We are working on an update document which we will send out to you all next week. We are just waiting for the last pieces of updated guidance from the Government to ensure we can provide a complete updated guide on the current COVID-19 situation.
We are pleased to report this week we have had no new cases of COVID-19 within the entire nursery team.
Throughout the week of 7th February 2022 the entire nursery will be raising money for the NSPCC in a variety of ways by supporting Number Day 2022. Here are a few ideas we have currently but keep posted over the next few weeks with what number fun we will all be having!
Dress up as a number day!
Complete a number hunt of your home!
Enjoying a special Number Day cupcake!
Dress up as a number bot day!
Dressing as a number day!
Monday 10th January – Emma E
Thursday 13th January – Emma F
Friday 14th January – Tabitha & Florrie
Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th January – Florrie
Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th & Friday 21st January – Ashleigh
We completely understand that on occasion you may be late to collect your child due to being held up at work or another unplanned change. As a one off you will not be charged. However, if this becomes a regular occurrence you will be charged a late collection fee due to our staff having to stay later than the end of their shift time. Our staff already work a long day so please could we ask you all to try your best to collect your children by the end of their session.
Are continuing to use paper journals which the Baby Team continue to update and send home. These provide a range of artwork, pictures, and observations for each of their key children. The Baby Team will use Tapestry as an additional extra to share videos and/or any activities your child may have enjoyed, as well as sharing pictures of your child settling into the Baby Room.
Are continuing to use paper journals which the Toddler Team continue to update and send home. These provide a range of artwork, pictures, and observations for each of their key children. The Toddler staff members aim to send journals home once a month so that you are able to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery. The Toddler Team will use Tapestry as an additional extra and will aim to upload one observation a week.
Our 2–3-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The 2-3 team use Tapestry only to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery. The 2-3 team will aim to upload four observations a month.
Pre-school (3-5's)
Our 3-5-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The 3-5’s Team complete ‘snap shot observations’ throughout the month to show you your child’s individual interests. We aim for one of these a week.
The 3-5’s Team also complete ‘focus week’ observations where your child will be observed more closely throughout their nursery week. A ‘focus week’ is in place to try and provide you with a detailed overview of what your child has been learning and developing throughout their week at nursery. If your child only attends one session a week they will always be classed as a ‘focus child’ and therefore will have a ‘focus week’ observation every time they attend nursery. If your child attends more than two half sessions a week you can expect one ‘focus week’ observation per month for your child whilst they are attending our 3-5’s Age Group.
Recently we have had a number of items of clothing that have gone missing within the nursery. As you can imagine we have so many items of clothing which are all very similar.
Please could we kindly ask for your children’s items to be named. This will really support the staff team in locating the missing items and returning these to you. Thank you with your cooperation.
As promised before the Christmas break, we have reviewed our current policy on nursery show arounds and allowing parents and carers to come inside the nursery building. We are sorry to say that we will be continuing to NOT have perseptive parents for show arounds within the nursery building and kindly ask all parents and carers to continue to collect and drop off your children from outside the nursery building. We will continue to review this each month.
Practicing their walking!! As well as playing Roll The Ball with their key workers to explore turn taking. The babies have also been sharing a range of lift and flap books, identifying a range of animals using their symbolic noises. Finally the babies have created New Year hats.
Next week we will be...
Taking part in body painting and crazy foam play, as well as exploring how to make marks using chalks and paint brushes. The babies will also continue to develop their awareness of symbolic sounds whilst playing with the transport toys and a range of animals.
Helping our new peers settle into their new room and exploring the new toys and getting used to new staff. Creating jelly fish pictures using a variety of media, learning to share out toys and take turns with our friends. The children have been using the pens and crayons to practice learning their colours and mark making skills.
Next week we will be...
Role playing using playdough and a variety of utensils to make marks and learning to use knife and fork. Play the see-saws in the garden with taking turns as well as developing their physical skills and balancing.
Exploring playdough when pretending to cook with it inside the play kitchen with a range of pots and pans and kitchen utensils. They then showed interest in exploring the playdough again later in the week. They chose to create marks and patterns in the dough using a range of tools. They also enjoyed practicing their cutting skills when using the scissors to cut paper when exploring the art and craft area.
Next week we will be...
Talking and learning about the winter weather when exploring a winter themed sensory tray. They will also be exploring a range of tubes, boxes, and packaging to enclose and fill as well as empty with natural objects such as wooden blocks and pinecones.
Our new topic is – following our children’s interests.
Our Phonics focus has been… Creating a range of marks which we have been giving meaning to, recognising our names, and having a go at writing familiar letters.
Our Mathematical focus has been… Exploring shape in a range of ways, recognising and writing numerals 1-5, 0 – 10 and 10 – 20 as well as exploring capacity within our sand and water trays.
Our Topic focus has been... Developing our imaginative role play by opening our very own 3-5’s Ice Cream Shop. Many of the 3-5’s children showed interest in selling and making their own ice creams during their garden play last week and so our Ice Cream Shop was created.
Many of the children also have a love of dinosaurs! Therefore the 3-5’s Team have created a dinosaur small world area. The children really love to learn all about the dinosaurs and the facts that make each dinosaur unique.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – following our children’s interests.
Our Phonics focus will be… Identifying the initial sounds of the dinosaurs within our dinosaur world.
Our Mathematical focus will be… Continuing to explore our dinosaur number station and shape car roads to explore simple shapes are their properties.
The 3-5’s children will also be exploring their very own music stage, which has been created by our lovely Gary! The children all love to sing and dance as well as creating their own songs and dance moves! We cannot wait to see what magic this creates! Keep an eye on Tapestry!