This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu.
There are the following changes to this week’s Autumn/Winter Menu.
On Monday the children will be enjoying fish pasta for lunch and on Tuesday they will be enjoying sausages and mash for lunch.
If there are any other changes occur during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Monday 17th January - Tabitha
Monday 17th + Tuesday 18th January – Florrie
Recently we have had a number of items of clothing that have gone missing within the nursery. As you can imagine we have so many items of clothing which are all very similar.
Please could we kindly ask for your children’s items to be named. This will really support the staff team in locating the missing items and returning these to you. Thank you with your cooperation.
Throughout the week of 7th February 2022 the entire nursery will be raising money for the NSPCC in a variety of ways by supporting Number Day 2022. Here are a few ideas we have currently but keep posted over the next few weeks with what number fun we will all be having!
Dress up as a number day! Complete a number hunt of your home!
Enjoying a special Number Day cupcake!
Dress up as a number bot day!
Dressing as a number day!
Are continuing to use paper journals which the Baby Team continue to update and send home. These provide a range of artwork, pictures, and observations for each of their key children. The Baby Team will use Tapestry as an additional extra to share videos and/or any activities your child may have enjoyed, as well as sharing pictures of your child settling into the Baby Room.
Are continuing to use paper journals which the Toddler Team continue to update and send home. These provide a range of artwork, pictures, and observations for each of their key children. The Toddler staff members aim to send journals home once a month so that you are able to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery. The Toddler Team will use Tapestry as an additional extra and will aim to upload one observation a week.
Our 2–3-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The 2-3 team use Tapestry only to share what your child has been getting up to at nursery. The 2-3 team will aim to upload four observations a month.
Pre-school (3-5's)
Our 3-5-year-old children do not have a paper journal. The 3-5’s Team complete ‘snap shot observations’ throughout the month to show you your child’s individual interests. We aim for one of these a week.
The 3-5’s Team also complete ‘focus week’ observations where your child will be observed more closely throughout their nursery week. A ‘focus week’ is in place to try and provide you with a detailed overview of what your child has been learning and developing throughout their week at nursery. If your child only attends one session a week they will always be classed as a ‘focus child’ and therefore will have a ‘focus week’ observation every time they attend nursery. If your child attends more than two half sessions a week you can expect one ‘focus week’ observation per month for your child whilst they are attending our 3-5’s Age Group.
Babies - A baby has tested positive this week.
Toddlers - One Toddler Staff Member and two children have tested positive this week.
2-3’s – No cases.
3-5’s – One 3-5 parent has tested positive this week on a Lateral Flow Test.
Exploring texture and how to create marks in a variety of ways this week. They have been exploring the crazy foam, using potatoes as stamps, and using their hands, feet and paint brushes whilst talking part in body painting.
Next week we will be...
Exploring Winnie The Pooh Day in a variety of ways. Such as decorating honey pots, having a teddy bears picnic with our own Winnie The Pooh teddies (if you the babies have one at home that they can bring in.) The babies will also be painting their feet and leaving footprints on paper whilst practising their walking and playing roll the ball to encourage sharing with our peers.
Exploring the Sensory Room finding the swimming fish within the bubble tube, creating towers and ball runs using a range of stacking cups as well as creating their very own jelly fish!
Next week we will be...
Having a Winnie The Pooh tea party and decorating their very own Winnie The Pooh Bears to celebrate Winnie The Pooh Day as well going on a bear hunt around the Toddler Room and garden.
Exploring the soft play blocks and creating obstacles to move over in different ways. They have been practicing their roleplay skills when exploring a farm animal scene. They also created large model structures using boxes and tubes, they chose to make a train and a rocket as a group.
Next week we will be...
Going on a squirrel hunt and will be exploring a sensory forest tray with forest animals to celebrate red squirrel appreciation day. They will also be practicing their cutting skills and scissor control when making snips in coloured cooked pasta.
Our new topic is – following our children’s interests.
Our Phonics focus has been… Creating a range of marks in a variety of ways. We have also been labelling our art work by writing our own names and also identifying the sounds of letters which were hiding in the crazy foam.
Our Mathematical focus has been… Playing Snakes and Ladders to continue to develop our number recognition whilst playing a game cooperatively with my peers. Some of the children have also been completing number sentences, showing amazing confidence in solving a number sum independently using their number clouds!
Our Topic focus has been... Exploring our new construction area, using the child sized tools and recording our own designs on our very own clipboards! Lots of the children have also continued to show lots of interest in the dinosaur small world areas! The children have been busy learning all about herbivores and carnivores.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – following our children’s interests.
Our Phonics focus will be… Continuing to develop our interests in mark making by creating marks in a range ways such as completing our food orders within our café, designing our own models within our building site and identifying environmental sounds during our garden play.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Identifying the days of the week whilst exploring our Hungry Caterpillar station. The children will also be touch counting and sorting the food the caterpillar ate within the story.