Blog Post

Week Commencing 22nd November 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • November 22, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 22nd November 2021

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu.

Thank you!

On behalf of everyone at Wonderland Day Nursery we would like to say a huge thank you to those parents who have sent in donations to help us raise money for Children In Need.

Our current total is a fantastic £480.

If you would like to send in any other donations please follow the link.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.

Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–

2-3’s – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Lost property

We have a huge number of jumpers and jackets which have no names in and therefore have not made their way home with their owners. Please can we ask all of your child’s clothing to be named. This will support the Wonderland Team to reunite lost pieces of clothing more easily.

Christmas Lights Switch - Letchworth

The Babies have been...

Practicing our Christmas singing and enjoying our Tiny Mites music and dance session. We explored a range of instruments such as bells whilst singing Rudolf the Red nose Reindeer. We have also been using our hands and fingers to create our very own paintings and exploring cornflower play to develop our interests in different textures. During our garden play we have also been developing our imaginative play whilst pretending to be a range of animals.

Next week we will be...

Continuing to develop our knowledge of texture through custard play, exploring our sensory tent to share stories, using rolling pins to create marks on paper and creating our very own space rockets.

The Toddlers have been...

Creating our very own snowman pictures using shredded paper, decorating our own biscuits, dressing up as Christmas Characters and practicing how to fit different sized shapes into the shape sorters. We have also been having a go at building a range of different sized towers.

Next week we will be...

Exploring the animal small world tray to develop our awareness of symbolic sounds, having a go at finding hidden objects in the snow and sharing stories to develop our Mathematical language.

The 2-3's have been...

Getting in the festive spirit by taking part in a range of art and craft activities to be added to Christmas displays in the coming weeks. They have been learning Christmas songs and have been acting out a roleplay nativity. They have also been developing their roleplay skills when exploring a small world farm scene with the farm animals.

Next week we will be...

Learning about Winter and the colder weather when creating Winter inspired pictures and exploring ice. We will also be celebrating St Andrews Day on the 30th of Nov by creating flags and talking about traditions.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our new topic is – World Nursery Rhyme Week + How to be a kind friend (to celebrate World Kindness Day and Anti-bullying week.)

Our Topic activities has been… Sharing the stories of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ to explore feelings and how to be a kind friend. As well as baking our own cakes and exploring how the ingredients change from a liquid to a solid.

Our Phonics focus has been… Having a go at playing ‘Guess that word’ with our peers. The children used their phonic knowledge to identify the initial, final, and tricky middle sound of CVC words.

Our Mathematical focus has been… Exploring capacity in a range of ways. The children used a variety pots, pans, jugs and funnels in the sand and water to explore capacity, using a range of Mathematical language such as, ‘full,’ ‘empty,’ ‘half full.’ Some of the children also noticed the numbers on the sides of the jugs. The children then began measuring the sand and water using a number to state which had the ‘most’ or ‘least.’

The children also used a range of bamboo shoots, stones, pebbles to explore how water can travel and move. The children then worked together to create a ‘water shoot!’

Next week we will be...

Our new topic is – St Andrews Day, Winter and Christmas!

The children will be exploring traditions and finding Scotland on a map whilst learning all about St Andrews Day. The children will also create their very own Scottish flags in a range of ways. The children will also continue to practice their Christmas signing songs.

Our Phonics focus will be… Continuing to share the story of Laura’s Star, having a go at drawing pictures of our wishes and labelling our wishes using our phonological knowledge to identify the initial sounds in words. The children will also be continuing to develop their awareness of syllables and rhyming words.

Our Mathematical focus will be… Sharing the story of ‘Father Christmas Needs a Wee’ and identifying the numerals within the story as Father Christmas visits a range of different houses throughout the story.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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