This week we are following our Week 2 Autumn/Winter menu.
It is with great pleasure that we can announce Daisy has been appointed as Deputy Team Leader of our 2-3’s age group and Emily has been appointed Deputy Team Leader of our Toddler age group!
We are sure you will join us in congratulating the girls in their promotions.
We are pleased to confirm ElGood Photography are attending Wonderland this Tuesday.
If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Tuesday, we now only have spaces left within the afternoon slot which you need to book, by emailing
The afternoon slot is – 2:30 – 3:30pm
Hertfordshire County Council have sent across updated guidance for Early Years settings and schools this week, stating cases of COVID-19 are rising within the County.
They are asking for face coverings to be worn by staff members and visitors within the nursery and the surrounding environment.
In light of these updates, we will be asking for parents who are ‘popping their’ children into nursery for their photo on Tuesday to hand their child over to a member of the Wonderland Team at the main nursery front door during your allocated booking time and wait in your car within the nursery car park.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers to continue to wear a face covering when collecting or dropping off your child.
If you would like your child to have a change of outfit for their photo, please place this in a named carrier bag and let your child’s key carer know.
Throughout the month of November, we are providing the opportunity for you to book a ‘catch up’ with your child’s key carer. This will be a 15-minute Zoom meeting where you can talk to your child’s key carer about your child’s progression and ask any questions you may have.
If you would like to book a meeting, please email the mentor of your child’s age group.
Here are their email address:
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Right across the nursery this week the children have created a range of Poppies in a variety of ways to remember those who keep us safe. The Pre-school children also took part in a 2 minute silence at 11am on Thursday to remember all of the soliders and their families. The Pre-school children have also shared the story of Captain Tom Moore.
On behalf of everyone at Wonderland Day Nursery we would like to say a huge thank you to those parents who have sent in donations to help us raise money for Children In Need.
Our current total is a fantastic £280.
If you would like to send in any other donations please follow the link.
Creating apple print poppies using red paint and apples as stampers, getting messy for Children In Need body painting and roll the ball painting as well as developing our knowledge of environmental sounds during our garden play.
Next week we will be...
Exploring cornflower play, practicing brushing our teeth, creating painting on the chalk boards during our garden play as well as learning some new nursery rhyme actions.
Exploring the new garden and areas since moving from the Baby unit as well as exploring how their bodies can move in a range of ways to music.
Next week we will be...
Exploring animal rhymes for nursery rhyme week, using blocks and other construction toys to have a go at developing our Mathematical language whilst building, as well as continuing to develop our social development by beginning to develop relationships with our peers in a variety of ways.
Exploring how to create marks using a range of tools, cars, animals, and our hands throughout paint as well as having a go investigating musical instruments and the sounds they make. The children have also been taking part in party games and learning about different shapes when driving cars and walking animals around 2d shapes made from tape on the floor.
Next week we will be...
Exploring a nursery rhyme small world tray, developing our Mathematical langage by identifying numbered cars and animals and exploring how colour can change by mixing coloured paint into trays of water.
Our new topic is – Children In Need and Remembrance Day
Our Topic activities has been…
Learning about Remembrance Day and Sir Captain Tom Moore, creating our very own poppies in a range of ways. As well as creating their very own Pudsey hats.
Our Phonics focus has been…Developing our listening and attention skills by identifying environmental sounds, clapping the syllables of our name and exploring alliteration.
Our Mathematical focus has been… Recognising numerals 0 – 20 and constructing using a range of magnetic shapes and tubes. The children then spoke about the shapes properties
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – World Nursery Rhyme Week + How to be a kind friend
The children will be exploring the stories of The Rainbow Fish, and This is Our House to explore how to be kind friends. The children will also be singing and signing a range of nursery rhymes such as ‘5 Little Ducks,’ ‘Sign a Rainbow,’ ‘Five Little Firemen’ and many more.
Our Phonics focus will be…
Continuing to develop our phonic knowledge using the Jolly Phonics songs and actions, as well as recording recognisable letters using phoneme frames.
Our Mathematical focus will be…Creating our very own Rainbow Fish and repeating patterns.