Wonderland Day Nursery • April 6, 2021
Wonderland Weekly News
WC 5th April 2021
Drop off and collection times for the next two weeks
Lunchtime collections
Please can we remind you all to continue to drop off and collect your children during their allocated bubble times. This is to ensure we are not mixing bubbles and maintaining our social distancing guidelines. The times are as follows:
Bank holidays – nursery closed
Over the next couple of weeks nursery will be closed on the following dates:
Friday 2nd April – Bank Holiday
Monday 5th April – Bank Holiday
Transitions to new age groups
During COVID-19 we as you know have had to create bubbles and put things in place to ensure there
are no mixing of the age group bubbles. Therefore, each age group has a set collection and drop off point and different times each week. Please familiarise yourselves with your child’s new drop off and collection times as well as which entrance to use. All the details can be found on page 1 of this newsletter.
If you have any questions about your child’s new age group, please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
This week’s menu
This week we are following our Week 2 Spring/ Summer menu.
Rapid Lateral Flow Home Testing Kits
Due to your children attending an educational setting all Parents and members of your support bubble
can collect or have sent to your home ‘Rapid Lateral Flow Tests’ to carry out on the adults within your household and support bubbles’ household. This does not include the children. Click here
to see more.
What to do if my child has COVID-19 symptoms?
Please could we remind you that if your child has any of the following symptoms they must go and
have a PCR Covid -19 test. - A new or persistent cough.
- A high temperature above 37.8
- A change in their sense of taste or smell
A lateral flow test must not be used if your child presents any of the above symptoms.
Living Eggs – 6th April
We are pleased to share that we will be having ‘The Living Eggs’ back at nursery over the Easter period. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn about the life cycle of the chicken and how to care for an animal.
Childhood illness – baby unit
We have had one confirmed case of ‘Croup’ within our baby unit.
This is a common childhood illness that mainly affects children and babies’ airways.
The symptoms of croup are:
- A barking cough that sounds like a seal.
- A horse voices.
- Difficulty breathing.
- A rasping sound when breathing in.
Children who suffer with ‘Croup’ will usually have cold like symptoms to begin with, such as a temperature, runny nose and a cough. Croup symptoms usually come on after a few days and are often worse at night. If you would like more information regarding Croup; this can be found on the NHS website.
Staff holidays
Tabitha – Tuesday 6
th April Ellie D – Tuesday 6th April
Hannah J – Wednesday 7th April
Jacqui – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (7-9th)
Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning! Next week at Wonderland we will be…
The babies have been…
Creating fluffy easter bunnies using cotton wool balls. They have been exploring cloud dough using their hands and tools to explore the mixture. They have also been exploring water play when enjoying exploring the garden.
Next week we will be…
Having a roleplay tea party picnic using play food and kitchen utensils. They will be exploring the slide in the garden area and will be taking part in parachute play.
Toddlers have been…
Taking part in Easter baking where the children were encouraged to mix the ingredients together. They have practiced filling and emptying with containers when exploring the coloured rice sensory activity. They have also been finding objects hidden inside eggs and have been exploring water play.
Next week we will be…
Taking part in roleplay baking with playdough in the play kitchen area. They will be offered the opportunity to take part in a magnet fishing game. They will also be shape printing and exploring a range of different instruments.
The 2-3’s have been…
Making large bubbles in the garden using the hoops in bubble mixture. They have taken part in an Easter hunt in the garden where they counted the items they found. They have been cleaning the cars and bikes outside as part of a car wash game. They have also been creating Spring flower pictures using forks to create marks.
Next week we will be…
Learning about growth with the arrival of the living eggs. We will be growing seeds as well as measuring each other’s height. They will be creating chicks using playdough and will be learning to handle living things with care.
The 3-5’s have been…
Our new topic is – ‘Easter
Our Topic activities
will be exploring our new delivery and parcel roleplay centre, exploring a range of
job roles and what we would like to do as a job when we grow up. We will also be exploring loose parts and nuts and bolts play. Our Phonics focus
will be continuing to recognise our own name, segmenting and blending the letter sounds within our name.
Our Mathematical focus
will be matching numerals to quantity using bunnies and carrots, Realises anything can be counted.
We are also looking forward to welcoming and caring for our Easter Chicks at nursery next week!
Thank you for your continuing support.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Wonderland management team.