Blog Post

Week Commencing 15th March 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • March 12, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News 
WC 15th March 2021

Drop off and collection times for the next two weeks

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am Toddlers Garden back door
8:00am-8:25am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am 3-5 age group Garden back door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm Toddlers Garden back door
5:00pm – 5:25pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6pm 3-5 age group Garden back door
Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am 3-5 age group Garden door
8:30am-9:00am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am Toddlers Garden door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm 3-5 age group Garden door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6pm Toddlers Garden door

Breakfast club

Is only available for families whose week it is to drop off at 8:00 – 8:30am. Breakfast club needs to be booked with a member of the management team. There is an additional charge for breakfast club and limited spaces. Please email any of the following email address:

Lunchtime collections

Please can we remind you all to continue to drop off and collect your children during their allocated bubble times. This is to ensure we are not mixing bubbles and maintaining our social distancing guidelines. The times are as follows:
Drop off times Collection times Entrance to use
8:00am - 8:25am 1.00pm – 1:25pm 2-3’s – nursery front door.
8:30am - 9:00am 1:30pm - 2.00pm Toddlers and 3-5’s – Office doo

Transitions to new age groups

During COVID-19 we as you know have had to create bubbles and put things in place to ensure there are no mixing of the age group bubbles. Therefore, each age group has a set collection and drop off point and different times each week. Please familiarise yourselves with your child’s new drop of and collection times as well as which entrance to use. All the details can be found on page 1 of this newsletter. 

If you have any questions about your child’s new age group, please feel free to email the
corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Babies –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs)
2-3’s –
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri)

This week’s menu

This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu.
There are no planned changes to next weeks menu. If there are any changes throughout the week, this will be shared on your child’s individual hand over sheet. If you would like to see a copy of our nursery menu’s, these can be found on our nursery website under the heading ‘nutrition.’

Speech and language therapy service

We have been asked to notify you by our Speech and Language team at Hertfordshire County Council that Speech & Language: S&L virtual drop ins have been resumed.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech and language development the S&L advice line is now open using the contact details below.
– S& L advice line for parents/carers/professional 01992 823093.
If a child is already known to the service, please ring 01992 823193.

Morning Nursery drop off

Every morning at Wonderland the Garden gate will be open at 7:30am. This will allow parents to wait safely within the garden and not in the nursery car park. Please be rest assured the doors which allow your children access into the nursery building will remain closed until 8am. However, can we remind everyone that this is not a chance for the children to be playing on the nursery garden equipment. Please adhere to the 2-meter social distance spacing which is always marked out using our circular yellow signs.

Please remember your face coverings and COVID-19 regulations

Please ensure you all have a mask to wear when dropping off or collecting your child if you are not exempt from wearing a face covering. COVID-19 levels are still high within our area therefore we all need to continue to play our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Could we also ask all parents to ensure their child/children always remain with them? This includes when queuing to get into the nursery building. If children are running in between other families, this could also spread COVID-19.
Let’s all remain vigilant and not take our foot off of the gas now! 

Bringing in toys from home, dressing up outfits and children’s clothing

We have had a few toys enter the nursery from children’s homes this week. We are still in a pandemic and this is not within our COVID-19 policy and procedures. We understand from your point of view this can help your child/children to leave the house, but can we please ask you to support us in
enforcing the rule of leaving your children’s toys in the car or their nursery bag.
During their time here at Wonderland no personal belongings or toys will be played with during the nursery day. Please can we also remind you that dressing up clothes from home are not allowed to be worn at nursery, unless this is a themed event which we have organised and prewarned you to ensure
the children’s outfits are freshly washed before they entre the nursery building. Could we also take this opportunity to remind you that your child/children should be wearing fresh clean clothes each day at nursery.

Supervision of children

Please can we remind you that until you have ‘handed over’ your child to their key carer or a member of the Wonderland Team, your child is still within your care and therefore your responsibility. This also applies when you collect your child. Once your child’s Key carer has ‘handed over’ your child, they have handed the responsibility of supervision and care back over to you. 

Hertfordshire – Advice Line

Please find attached details of a variety of specialist support and advice available to parents and carers if you and your family feel you need support or advice to help deal with difficulties your child maybe having at home.

Painting of the entire nursery building - scaffolding

As stated in our previous newsletter we are having the entire nursery building painted in stages. Currently the scaffolding is around the side of the Office Reception section of the nursery building. Let’s hope for some sunny weather so that the painting can begin! 

The babies have been…

Creating special gifts and cards for our Mummies, making marks using chalk and crazy foam during our messy play. As well as exploring bubble play to develop our gross motor movements.

Next week we will be…

Creating 4 leaf clover pictures using celery sticks and potato stampers to develop our knowledge of how to make marks in a range of ways whilst celebrating St Patrick’s Day, developing our fine motor muscles when having a go at pealing tape from our tabletop activity table and developing our skills when playing alongside others by rolling balls between peers and our adults. 

Toddlers have been…

Developing their communication skills by learning new action words such as “run, jump, hop and walk.” Chasing balls down the guttering during their garden play, explore gluing and sticking onto pieces of card and creating special things for our Mummies. 

Next week we will be…

Exploring messy play whilst having a go at body painting, beginning lots of lovely Easter crafts to explore different textures and materials, role playing using the pretend play food in our nursery play kitchen and exploring flour, rice, pasta and water play!

The 2-3’s have been…

Decorating biscuits by drizzling icing and adding icing shapes. They have enjoyed a disco with sensory lights and torches. They have been exploring crazy foam as part of a sensory activity. They have been painting with sponges to create marks as well as developing roleplay skills when exploring a dinosaur habitat.

Next week we will be…

Taking part in a shape hunt around the nursery and looking for shapes in everyday objects. We will be taking part in a range of craft activities to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. We will be learning some simple sign language focusing on colours and will be exploring music instruments to create a range of sounds. 

The 3-5’s have been…

Our new topic is – ‘Our World.’ 

Our Phonics focus has been identifying the initial sounds in words whilst playing our phonics fishing game as well as segmenting and blending a range of CVC words.
Our Mathematical focus has been continuing to explore how numerals are ordered from 0 – 10 forwards and backwards whilst creating our very own number lines.
Our Topic activities Next week we will be…have been talking about holidays and sharing the story of ‘Look and Say – What you see at the Sea side.’

Next week we will be...

 Our Phonics focus will be identifying initial sounds and having a go at segmenting and blending a range of CVC words whilst throwing balls through lettered hoops during our garden play.
Our Mathematical focus will be exploring capacity in a variety of ways.
Our Topic activities will be exploring and learning what animals live on land, in the sea and in the air and taking part in a Science experiment to create marks in exciting ways.

Thank you for your continuing support.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Wonderland management team.
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