Wonderland Day Nursery • March 16, 2020
This week at Wonderland Babies
This week the babies have been getting active, they have been crawling through tunnels and using cardboard boxes to play with their peers. They have enjoyed singing and copying actions during Tiny mites. The babies have also been pretending to have a tea party with their peers continuing to develop their gross and fine motor movements.
Next week the babies will be...
Enjoying parachute play looking at the movement and different colours. They will also be exploring tabletop activities such as puzzles, and shape sorters. The babies will also be busy getting messy and developing their confidence in textured play whilst hand painting.
This week at Wonderland Toddlers
The toddlers have also been practicing their balance skills in the garden by balancing on different aspects of the obstacle course. They have been developing their fine motor skills by completing puzzles and inset boards and shape sorters. They have also had fun exploring the glitter and water messy trays.
Next week the toddlers will be...
Getting creative making handprint flowers, you will have to wait and see what they will be used for! They will be exploring textures in the crazy foam during their messy play. The Toddlers will also be having a bug hunt in the garden as fingers crossed spring is on the way.
This week at Wonderland 2-3's
This week the 2-3’s having been experimenting with making marks; using different objects such as Lego blocks etc and exploring different colour paints. They have been practising using scissors to develop their fine motor skills as well as having fun making blow pictures and using a straw to mix the colours together.
Next week the 2-3's will be...
Continuing to explore colours and will be using different mediums to cause change. The children will be exploring numbers and quantities during circle time talking about more than and less then by seeing if they can identify more and less when given a group of objects. They will also be developing their gross motor skills by practising catching large balls in the garden.
This week at Wonderland 3-5's
The 3-5’s have been continuing their Family topic this week and have been talking about their families as well as drawing pictures of people in their families. They have also been talking about germs and learning what germs are by representing them in glitter and water.
They have been having fun playing games with the parachute in garden and have also been developing their letter recognition during a fishing for phonics’ game in the water tray.
Next week the 3-5's will be...
Be exploring how sounds change through the use of instruments. They will be beginning a spring topic starting withtalking about the spring and life cycles by growing their own veg. The children will also be creating mini beasts.
Hand Sanitiser
It has been lovely to see all our parents using our hand santisier we have provided at the nursery entrance. We are providing hand sanitiser around the nursery in addition to washing hands in the main area and by the main entrance doors for all staff and parents to use.
This is advised by the government in light of the coronavirus. Please also feel free to use our sinks and hand soap
for washing your hands and remember to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ whilst washing your hands for 20 secs. The cleaners and staff continue to sterilise all the toys and disinfect all surfaces.
Staff News
We would also like to welcome Karin who is joining the 3-5 team as a Level 3 practitioner. We would also like to welcome Gary who has taken over as Maintenance assistant, you may see him around the Nursery.
Mother’s Day Breakfast
We will once again be having a Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday 20th March for all 2-3 and 3-5 parents. We will be providing a range of pastries for you to enjoy. If you would like to come please email Emma
by Wednesday 19th March and we will add you to the list. Also, if you or your child have any dietary requirement please also add this to your email so we can ensure you are catered for. We hope to see lots of you there!
Baby Parents
The baby team are asking if you could please bring in any empty cardboard egg boxes. THANKYOU!
Car Park
Please can we remind parents to park in the white lined designated parking bays; Please do not leave you car parked over any yellow hatch boxes or in front of the baby gate. This is for health and safety reason, both areas are used in case of an emergency.
Bringing in Food to Nursery
Please can I ask parents not to bring any food in to the nursery unless previously agreed by management. Please do not bring children in with snacks or encourage the children not to be eating as they arrive to wonderland. We have several children with severe food allergies therefore this poses a health risk if this is not adhered to. We do understand some children are slow/fussy eaters and getting them out the door fed can be a challenge; they will be provided with a snack shortly after arriving at wonderland for both the morning and afternoon sessions.
Easter Funding
Keep an eye out for our Easter Chicks kindly knitted by our local community to raise money for local charity Garden House Hospice. They will be on sale for £1 each.
2-3 and 3-5 parents.
We are pleased to see lots of parents making use of our Nursery Library. Please can you make sure you are signing the Nursery library books in and out when you take one.
St Patricks Day
This week the children will all be enjoying celebrating St Patricks Day by participating in lots of different activities including Shamrock making, and flag making and a festive surprise will be included on next week’s menu. If your children have a connection to Ireland and would like to share some pictures from your festivities or a recent trip there, please feel free to email any photo’s across to management.
Upcoming Events
17th March – St Patricks Day
20th March Mother’s Day Breakfast
22nd March – Mothering Sunday
Thank you all for your continuing support. From the Wonderland team.