Wonderland Day Nursery • March 9, 2020
This week at Wonderland Babies
Have been celebrating St David’s by getting
creative and making daffodils using hand-prints. They have also been exploring the garden.The Babies have also enjoyed World Book Day by dressing up, reading lots of their favourite stories and acted out ‘The Three Little Bears’ having lots of fun doing porridge play. While enjoying porridge play, they will be developing their gross and fine motor movements. They have also enjoyed parachute play looking at the movement and different colours.
Next week the babies will be...
Enjoying role play activities by having a baby tea party with the role play food set to develop their awareness of language. They
will be practising building towers as well as enjoying arts and crafts activities by decorating spaceships for our sleep room.
This week at Wonderland Toddlers
This week the toddlers have been spending
time looking at the book “were going on a bear hunt” for world book day. The toddlers have had lots of fun exploring the bear hunt themedmessy trays, they have also been busy creating their own bear hunt books. They have also been practicing their balance skills in the garden by balancing on different aspects of the obstacle course.
Next week the toddlers will be...
Making animals masks in art and craft. They will be being enjoying dress up play. The toddlers will also be creating colourful daffodils.
This week at Wonderland 2-3's
This week the 2-3’s have been matching
numerals with quantities using Lego, they have been looking at number and trying to select how many pieces of Lego that would be. Theyhave been developing their fine motor skills and supporting early writing skills by making marks in a glitter, beginning to form recognisable mark/ letters. They have also been busy enjoying our world book day theme this week by having a character hunt, reading their favourite stories and making ‘Winnie the Pooh’ pictures.
Next week the 2-3's will be...
Using their imagination and having a puppet show. They will be exploring textures and finding objects in crazy foam. They will be practising identifying numbers from 1-10 to develop their language skills.
This week at Wonderland 3-5's
This week the 3-5’s have been developing their knowledge and language while learning about animals, their habitats and the different sounds that they make. The 3-5’s have enjoyed world book day this week by using stories to discuss their emotions, using their imagination to draw pictures of the beginning middle and end of stories and showed their creative skills when they made hats and practiced their colour skills for their ‘Winnie the Pooh’ Tea Party. They have also spent time
talking about their families this week, looking at different types of families and creating their own family tree. (The children’s family trees are up on display in the corridor on the
way to the den.)
Next week the 3-5's will be...
Developing their fine motor skills by practising threading beads they will also be using this activity to reinforce their counting skills adding the correct number of beads to match the number on the bottom of the thread. They will be exploring how different objects are able to make different marks for example using different vehicles to make tracks in the sand.
World Book Day
All age groups have had lots of fun all
week for World Book Day. They have been dressing up, listening to stories, enjoyingcreative activities surrounding their favourite books, role playing out stories and a ‘Winnie the pooh’ themed tea party. Here are a few pictures of a few of the things they have been doing to celebrate World Book Day.
Hand Sanitiser
We are providing hand sanitiser in addition to
washing hands around the nursery, in the main area and by the main entrance doors for all staff and parents to use. This is advised by the government in light of the coronavirus. Please also feel free to use our sinks and hand soap for washing your hands and remember to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ whilst washing your hands for 20 secs. The cleaners and staff continue to sterilise all the toys and disinfect all surfaces. The department for Education has launched a new helpline to answer questions about the Coronavirus related to education.Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline Monday to Friday (8am -6pm) on 0800 0468687
or email
Baby Parents
The baby team are asking if you could please
bring in any empty carboard egg boxes.THANKYOU!
Car Park
Please can we remind parents that there is a speed limit of 5mph in the car park. This is for safety of all children and parents using the car park. Please can we also remind parents that the disabled parking bays are not to be used and kept free for parents and visitors who need to use them.
Nursery Language
Please be careful how you express your frustrations within the nursery can we remind all parents not to swear, whether this is out of frustration or in a jovial manner. Using bad language can also make staff who are listening to any frustration feel uncomfortable and little ears could also be listening.
Child Illness
We do understand the challenges being asked to collect a poorly child can have with work commitments etc. However, we are following our policy and ask children to be collect when we feel they are too unwell to be at nursery. It also prevents the spread of infection and protect other children and staff from getting unwell. We must make sure we are putting the children first. Although we do our very best to care for poorly children, we cannot provide one to one care that children need when unwell, sometimes the best remedy is cuddles with their parent/carer.
Nursery Red Bags
Please can we ask that parents use the red bags provided for their children belongs and do not use any other bags as we have limited space in the cloakroom.
Requesting Food From The Kitchen
Please can we remind parents not to request food from the kitchen hatch and if you have any food queries to speak to their child’s key carer or a member of management.
Mothers Day Breakfast
We will once again be having a Mother’s Day
Breakfast on Friday 20th March for all 2-3 and 3-5 parents. We will be providing a range of pastries for you to enjoy. If you would like to come please email Emma emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.co.uk
and we will add you to the list. Also, if you or your child have any dietary requirement please also add this to your email so we can ensure you are catered for. We hope to see lots of you there!Thank you all for your continuing support. From the Wonderland team.
Up and Coming Events
17th March – St Patricks Day
20th March Mother’s Day Breakfast
22nd March – Mothering Sunday