Wonderland Day Nursery • March 2, 2020
This week at Wonderland Babies
Have been getting creative and making marks
when painting for a ‘Bugs Life’ display. They have been pretending to make pancakes with flour and spoons, to develop their gross motorand encourage their language and co-ordination.
They have also been dancing and singing along to Tiny Mites enjoying hearing familiar songs and exploring textures by making marks in crazy foam.
Next week the babies will be...
Will be celebrating St David’s Day this week by looking at dragon stories and playing with dragon puppets as well as creating daffodil prints with paint.
This week at Wonderland Toddlers
Have been testing their taste buds by trying
pancakes with different topping for pancake day. They have been developing their language through play by knocking down towers and copying familiar expressions such as “oh no.”They have also been drawing with new media’s by using felt tips.
Next week the toddlers will be...
Celebrating St David’s day by getting creative and colouring in welsh flags. They will also be enjoying world book day by looking at their favourite stories and by exploring textures in messy tray bear hunt. They will be balancing developing their fine motor movements by blocks to build a tower.
This week at Wonderland 2-3's
This week the 3-5 have been making their own choices by creating their own pancakes and selecting different topping. It was smiles all round! They have been looking at their peers and trying to identify features that are similar and features that are different to their peers. They have also been practising catching a large ball with their peers.
Next week the 2-3's will be...
Enjoying the responsibility of handing out the cups to their peers at snack time. They will be celebrating St David’s day by creating daffodils pictures using different materials
and going on a welsh flag hunt around the Nursery. They will also be talking about their
favourite characters in their favourite books.
This week at Wonderland 3-5's
The 3-5’s have been developing their knowledge and awareness of Pancake day by having pancake races, flipping pancakes and enjoying pancake tasting. As well as continuing their teddy bear theme by having a teddy bears picnic on Tuesday afternoon, with special teddy shaped biscuits and a teddy bear hunt. They have also made the most of the small amount of snow that arrived on Friday and went out to make marks in the snow and enjoyed making and throwing snowballs with their peer.
Next week the 3-5's will be...
Developing their understand of different families by looking at lots of different types of families and talking about their own families. They will be recognising lots of different familiar logo’s and signs that they see in their environment. They will also be enjoying looking at and reading their favourite stories.
Given the variety of news items surrounding the Novel coronavirus. We are just updating you with all the current information and advice from Public Health England that we have been provided. (please see attached information or posters around the nursery.) If anything changes, we will keep you updated further.
A few children have also had conjunctivitis this week, there have been couple of high temperatures and one case of sickness.
St David’s Day
This week the children will all be enjoying celebrating St David’s Day by participating in lots of different activities including daffodil and flag making, a flag hunt, listening to dragon stories and a festive surprise will be on the menu.
Nursery Menu
This week the Menus will be changed to our spring/summer menu. All the menu’s will be attached for you to have a look through. We will be starting with week one.
World Book Day – 5th March
At Wonderland we encourage a love for stories and therefore we have a lot of fun on World Book Day. This is coming up on Thursday 5th March. We would love to invite all children to dress up as their favourite character from their favourite book throughout this week. The children will also enjoy a Winnie the Pooh tea.
Mobile phones at nursery
Please can we also remind all parents and carers to not use their mobile phones or smart watches whilst they are within the nursery building. This is to ensure we safeguard all staff and children within our care.
2-3 and 3-5 shared reading scheme
We would really like to re-kick start our
shared reading scheme and encourage all parents to take one of our new books home to share with your children. Each child has a book bag which contains a reading record. Please feel free to make the most of this for more information please see the attached document which explains how the shared reading schemeworks.
Up and coming events
st March – St David’s Day5th March - World book day