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February Newsletter

Wonderland Day Nursery • February 25, 2020


This week at Wonderland Babies

The babies have been enjoying monkey music with puppets whilst exploring musical instruments and the sounds that they make as well as showing interest in new story books.
Whilst exploring their environment the babies have shown enjoyment in selecting the colour buttons on the bubble tube!

Next week the babies will be...

Pretending to make pancakes with flour and spoons, to develop their gross motor movements as well as developing their awareness of number language whilst exploring the ball pool with their key carer modelling how to count each ball. Also, to encourage the babies to move in a variety of ways the babies will be exploring the tents and tunnels to crawl and shuffle through.


This week at Wonderland Toddlers

This week the toddlers have been enjoying a tea party in the home area. During this time the children have developed their social skills as well as learning to develop their sharing skills. They have also been moving their bodies to music whilst trying to pop bubbles to develop their hand eye coordination. During snack times and drinking times the older Toddlers have shown confidence in drinking from their cups without a lid!

Next week the toddlers will be...

Developing their interests, likes and dislikes whilst dip tasting during a food tasting activity. The Toddlers will also be exploring their art and craft area and their sand pit to have a go at emptying and filling containers to develop their mathematical language. They will also be attempting to move and climb in a variety of ways.


This week at Wonderland 2-3's

This week the 2-3’s have been identifying colours and numbers in a range of ways. Such as identifying numerals in the environment and identifying colours of the toys they are playing with. The children have also been showing an interest in letters in the environment and exploring the sensory room and musical instruments. Throughout their play and story times the children have been developing their awareness of different occupations.

Next week the 2-3's will be...

Continuing to develop their friendships with their peers by playing ‘roll the ball’ and playing
with the bats and balls in the garden. Also, during their garden play the children will be practising balancing on the wooden obstacle course, experimenting with how their bodies move in a range of ways. To develop the children’s mark making skills and interests the children will be exploring playdough to strengthen their finger muscles and developing their mathematical language by reciting number names in sequence through song.


This week at Wonderland 3-5's

This week the 3-5’s have been enjoying their ‘Teddy Bear’ topic week by making teddy bear masks, sharing stories such as ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt,’ ‘Peace At Last’ and ‘Goldilocks And The Three Bears.’ The children went on their own bear hunt around the nursery and have created a tally chart all about the teddy bears they have at home. The 3-5’s teddy bear will be sent on it’s first adventure this weekend! During their group time the children have also been identifying their own names from a group of names in the middle of the circle.

Next week the 3-5's will be...

Developing their knowledge and awareness of Pancake day by having pancake races as well as continuing their teddy bear theme by having a teddy bears picnic on Tuesday afternoon. With special teddy shaped biscuits. Please can we ask for the Tuesday afternoon children to bring in a named teddy bear to join them for their tea?
The children will also be continuing to develop their knowledge of bears from around the world and the structure of stories whilst sharing a variety of stories all about bears.


We have another confirmed cased of scarlet fever within our Toddler age group. Please see NHS guideline for advice if you are concerned. A few children have also had Tonsillitis and conjunctivitis this week.

3-5 Parents

We have introduced a positive behaviour Teddy Bear to the 3-5’s. Each week a child will be nominated to take the bear home for the weekend they could have achieved something they were working towards, being helpful or kind etc or if you’re going on holiday the bear can join you on an adventure. Please feel free to let your child’s key carer know if you would like bear to join you on holiday and they will do their best and see if this is possible.

World Book Day – 5th March

At Wonderland we encourage a love for stories and therefore we have a lot of fun on World Book Day. This is coming up on Thursday 5th March. We would love to invite all children to dress up as their favourite character from their favourite book throughout this week.

Contacting Wonderland staff outside of work hours

Please do not contact any Wonderland staff regarding nursery life or nursery business without contacting them through an email or phone call to a member of the management team. The management team will then pass on your message or answer any questions or queries you may have.

Mobile phones at nursery

Please can we also remind all parents and carers to not use their mobile phones or smart watches whilst they are within the nursery building. This is to ensure we safeguard all staff and children within our care.

Thank you all for your continuing support. From the Wonderland team.

Up and coming events

25th February – Pancake Day 
26th February – Ash Wednesday 
5th March - World book day
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