Blog Post

January Newsletter

Wonderland Day Nursery • January 23, 2020


This week at Wonderland Babies

Have been playing with the sensory trays – rice, water etc. Exploring new environments on a visit to the toddler room ready for moving up and playing with the ball drop toy.

Next week the babies will be...

  • Creating marks and gluing and sticking for our new key carer board display. They will be fruit tasting and playing with the steppingstones in the garden.


This week at Wonderland Toddlers

Have been enjoying Tiny mites with their peers. Exploring emptying and filling containers in the sand tray. They have been building towers with wooden blocks, splashing in puddles in the garden and sticking and gluing in art and craft.
Child playing with bubbles

Next week the toddlers will be...

  • Playing roll the ball with their key carers and playing alongside peers, taking turns and sharing. They will be having a role play tea party and practising drinking from a big cup.


Last week at Wonderland 2-3's

Have been investigating insects and creatures using the magnifying glasses. They have been threading pasta on a string to make pasta necklace and making patterns using playdough. They have been identifying their own name during circle time.

Next week the 2-3's will be...

  • Making marks in crazy foam and putting animals into size order. They will be moving their bodies to music and creating own dance moves. They will also be experimenting with blocks, colours and marks.


This week at Wonderland 3-5's

Have been acting out ‘we’re going on a bear hunt.’ They have been practising using scissors, making slime and looking at occupations. They have also been beginning to construct using different materials and making rhythms.

Next week the 3-5's will be...

  • Making Chinese New Year dragons and enjoying coloured rice play. They will also be exploring textures and practising their writing in glitter.


We have had 5 confirmed cased of scarlet fever (4 children and 1 adult), we have attached a fact sheet from Public Health England. There has been no more cases of chicken pox and a few cases of tonsillitis and hand, foot and mouth. Please see NHS guideline for advice if you are concerned. We have still had some high temperatures this week. Please can we remind parents that our policy state that we do require children who have received Calpol at nursery to be collected within the hour. We do appreciate some parents have to travel for work and that can make getting back may take a little longer. However, although we do try our best we cannot provide one to one care for children who are unwell.

Extra Sessions

Please can we ask that if you need to book any extra sessions or breakfast clubs to email Toni. If you require a permanent change of sessions, please email Corrin. If Corrin receives extra sessions emails, she will forward these on to Toni who will get back to you as soon as she can.

Lost Item

We have had something handed in from the car park this morning. If you think you have lost something, please let management know and they will return it to you.

Thank you all for your continuing support. From the Wonderland team.
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