Blog Post

Week Commencing 25th April 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • April 22, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 25th April 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 1 Spring / Summer menu.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries please email our Accounts Team on the address below.


Babies – Corrin –

2-3’s + Toddlers – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Staff News

We would like to inform you that Nichola Carroll our Third In Charge and Toddler Age Group Mentor is moving onto pastures new. Nichola has worked at Wonderland for four years and will be missed by the entire Wonderland Family. We would like to take this opportunity in thanking Nichola for all of her passion and hard work over the years and wish her all the luck in her new adventures.

Important dates for your diary

May day bank holiday – 2nd May – Nursery Closed

Platinum Jubliee - Thursday 2nd June + Friday 3rd June - Nursery Closed

Wednesday 15th June – 3-5’s Photo Day

Thursday 21st July – 3-5’s Graduation Day

It’s been another eggciting week here at Wonderland!

This week at Wonderland we have continued to look after the chicks. Excitement levels have continued to be very high throughout the week and many of the children have shown great confidence in holding and stroking the chicks.

COVID-19 Update

We have the following live cases of COVID-19 within the Wonderland Family.

Babies: none.

Toddlers: none.

2-3’s: none.

3-5’s: none

3-5’s Graduation Party

We are pleased to share with you that this year we can have our Graduation Party for our 3-5 children who will be leaving Wonderland during the Summer Term.

We will be inviting two adults per child (who is leaving Wonderland) to join us on:

Thursday 21st July – 2:45pm – 4:00pm

Our party will take place within our nursery garden, where the children will have a Graduation presentation and a party tea.

If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Thursday afternoon but they are leaving Wonderland during this coming Summer Term, they are more than welcome to come into Wonderland to be a part of the Graduation celebrations during this time.

If you would like to attend our Graduation Party, please email Emma Edwards to book your place:

Staff Holidays

Week Commencing 25th April – Natalie H

Monday 25th April – Charlotte J

Tuesday 26th April – Sophie P (pm)

Wednesday 27th April – Lily R (pm)

Friday 28th April – Nicole, Karin and Kelsie.

The Babies have been...

Practicing their gross motor skills when exploring the new soft play equipment with tunnels. As well as exploring making marks using a range of stamps and blocks. The Babies have also been exploring crazy foam, sharing textured stories, kicking, and throwing the balls in their garden play and meeting the chicks.

Next week they will be...

Creating crowns for the Queens birthday as well as having a role play teddy bears picnic.

The Toddlers have been...

Using their senses to explore citrus fruits when exploring the fruit slices in water as a sensory exploration activity.

Next week we will be...

Taking part in recognising animal sounds whilst playing in the farm yard tuff tray, using bubble wrap to make marks and exploring texture play using crazy foam and spaghetti play.

The 2-3's have been...

Learning about sea animals when exploring a small world sensory under the sea activity. They have also been learning about the importance of keeping the sea free of litter. As part of the activity the children collected up litter from the under the sea small world tray. They have also been practicing their fine motor skills when threading pipe cleaners into colanders.

Next week we will be...

Using our feet and paint to make marks whilst dancing to music, creating our very own St George’s Day flags, using playdough to create our own playdough cakes as well as role playing with the small world people placing them in height order.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our new topic is – Harvest, Spring + New Life, Autism Awareness Month + Vaisakhi Festival and Pets!

Our Phonics focus have been…

Identifying syllables in words, clapping these out using our hands.

Our Mathematical focus have been…

Continuing to explore subsertising by taking part in a number hunt and identifying the corresponding number of toys / objects to the numerals we found.

The children have also created a tally chart to show which animal is the most common pet amongst the age group and created a range of patterns using flowers linked to the Vaisakhi festival.

Our Topic focus have been…..

Continuing to explore the festival of Vaisakhi by painting using a range of bright colours as well as having a go at looking after our pets in our vets role play.

Next week we will be...

Our new topics are – Spring + New Life + Vaisakhi Festival + St George’s Day.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Identifying hidden letters in the digging tray. The children will then use these letters to construct their own name.

Our Mathematical focus will be…

Classification this week. Which helps the children to identify what is to be counted. We will be doing this by separating animals into groups who live in the air, on the land and the water. We will be using questions such as what can we see? What do we notice? To develop our Mathematical development.

Our Topic focus will be…..

Creating our very own St George’s Day Flags and sharing the stories of George’s Dragon & The Dragon and The Nibblesome Knight whilst learning about St George’s Day. As well as creating our very own crowns to celebrate the Queens 96th Birthday. The children will also be looking at pictures of the Royal Family and drawing pictures of them.

Within our Art’s and Craft Area the children will also be exploring fresh flowers in the water tray and painting observational pictures of the chicks using paintbrushes and our fingers to make marks.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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