Blog Post

Week Commencing 18th April 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • April 22, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 18th April 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Spring / Summer menu.

Currently there are the following changes to the menu above:

Monday 18th – Bank Holiday – Nursery Closed

It’s been a very eggciting week here at Wonderland!

This week at Wonderland we have welcomed the chicks back into nursery! Excitement levels were very high throughout the week, especially as the chicks began to hatch on Wednesday.

Easter Party Tea!

The children enjoyed a yummy treat with their Easter Party Tea this evening, created by our fantastic Kitchen Team.

Updates to drop off and collection procedures

We are continuing to ensure the foundations are in place to allow all parents and carers to drop off and collect their children from inside the nursery building. However, everything will stay the same until we communicate anything different with you.

Thank you to those parents who have sent over some up-to-date photographs of individuals who are able to drop off and collect your child from Wonderland. This includes the individuals who we are used to consistently seeing, including the children’s Mummy’s and Daddy’s.

Please can we ask those parents who have not sent in their own pictures and pictures of individuals who are able to collect and drop off their child at Wonderland to please do so using your child’s Tapestry account. This can be completed by creating a new observation and adding the pictures to the observation. Within the text box in the observation, please can you write who is who in the correct order.

We will be in touch within the next few weeks to share when you are able to drop off and collect from inside the nursery building! We thank you for your patience and cooperation.

3-5’s Graduation Party

We are pleased to share with you that this year we can have our Graduation Party for our 3-5 children who will be leaving Wonderland during the Summer Term.

We will be inviting two adults per child (who is leaving Wonderland) to join us on:

Thursday 21st July – 2:45pm – 4:00pm

Our party will take place within our nursery garden, where the children will have a Graduation presentation and a party tea.

If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Thursday afternoon but they are leaving Wonderland during this coming Summer Term, they are more than welcome to come into Wonderland to be a part of the Graduation celebrations during this time.

If you would like to attend our Graduation Party, please email Emma Edwards to book your place:

COVID-19 Update

We have the following live cases of COVID-19 within the Wonderland Family.

Babies: none.

Toddlers: none.

2-3’s: none.

3-5’s: A parent.

Carpenter needed!

If you are a talented carpenter or know of an individual who could complete some work needed at nursery. Please email Corrin Burdis at

The Babies have been...

Having a go at using spoons to feed themselves during mealtimes, taking part in an Easter Egg hunt using their crawling and cruising skills to move themselves around their room and garden as well as using a range of walking supports to develop our confidence when walking. The Babies have also explored the nursery garden and the see saw to explore the ways objects and their bodies move.

Next week they will be...

The Babies will be meeting the baby chicks and developing their confidence in a new situation, taking part in their Tiny Mites music and movement session as well as exploring their sensory tent to find hidden objects.

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring rice and pasta in a variety of ways, using a range of cups, spoons, scoops and jugs to practise filling and emptying the containers, creating their Easter cards, role playing washing the toy babies to develop our imaginative play as well as developing their confidence when climbing over the climbing apparatus in the garden.

Next week we will be...

The Toddlers will be exploring their sense of smell by playing in enthused water with lemon and lime, taking part in potato printing to create a range of marks and having a teddy bears picnic.

The 2-3's have been...

Creating and exploring yellow playdough to create their very own Easter Chicks to develop their fine motor skills as well as threading pipe cleaners around Easter eggs, searching for hidden Easter Eggs

in textured trays and developing their imaginative play when exploring the train tracks and under the sea tuff tray.

Next week we will be...

Using paints and paint brushes to create their very own chicks, meeting the Easter chicks and having a go at holding these if we like, exploring instruments and the sounds they make as well as having lots of fun with water play in the garden!

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our new topic is – Harvest, Spring + New Life, Autism Awareness Month + Vaisakhi Festival and Pets!

Our Phonics focus have been…

Having a go at writing our names using marks we can explain as well as recognisable letters! The older children have also been having a go at reading captions and sentences whilst matching these captions and sentences to the correct picture within their story frame, as well as writing messages and their own names within their Easter cards. During their garden play the children also completed an Easter Egg hunt to select capital and lower-case letters.

Our Mathematical focus have been…

Exploring ‘classification’ of animals linked to our current interest in pets as well as creating a range of pretty flower shape pictures linked to the Vaisakhi Festival. The children have also taken part in

an Easter Egg hunt to search for different coloured eggs. The children then explored making patterns with these foam eggs and grouped them into groups of 2 eggs to explore subsisting.

Our Topic focus have been…..

Learning all about the festival of Vaisakhi when sharing the story ‘All about Vaisakhi’ as well as learning about Harvest and creating their very own hedgehog bread. The children have also been sharing lots of pictures of their pets during circle times and having a go at painting and drawing their own interpretations of their pets.

Next week we will be...

Our new topics are – Harvest, Spring + New Life, Autism Awareness Month + Vaisakhi Festival.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Identifying syllables in words, clapping these out using our hands.

Our Mathematical focus will be…

Continuing to explore sub by taking part in a number hunt and identifying the corresponding amount of toys / objects to the numerals they have found.

The children will also create a tally chart to show which animal is the most common pet amongst the age group and create a range of patterns using flowers linked to the Vaisakhi festival.

Our Topic focus will be…

Continuing to explore the festival of Vaisakhi by painting using a range of bright colours as well as having a go at looking after our pets in our vets role play.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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