Blog Post

Week Commencing 17th May 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • May 17, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News 
WC 17th May 2021

Drop off and collection times for the next two weeks

WC 17th May 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am 3-5 age group Garden back door
8:30am-9:00am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am Toddlers Garden back door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm 3-5 age group Garden back door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm Toddlers Garden back door

WC 24th May 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am Toddlers Garden door
8:00am-8:25am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am 3-5 age group Garden door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm Toddlers Garden door
5:00pm – 5:25pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 3-5 age group Garden door

Breakfast club

Is only available for families whose week it is to drop off at 8:00 – 8:30am. Breakfast club needs to be booked with a member of the management team. There is an additional charge for breakfast club and limited spaces. Please email any of the following email address:

Lunchtime collections

Please can we remind you all to continue to drop off and collect your children during their allocated bubble times. This is to ensure we are not mixing bubbles and maintaining our social distancing guidelines. The times are as follows:
Drop off times Collection times Entrance to use
8:00am - 8:25am 1.00pm – 1:25pm 2-3’s – nursery front door.
8:30am - 9:00am 1:30pm - 2.00pm Toddlers and 3-5’s – Office door

Who can I contact within my child’s age group?

If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri)–

This week’s menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/ Summer menu.
There are no planned changes to our menu currently. If there are any unplanned changes these will be share with you on your child’s individual handover sheet.

Staff Holidays

Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th– Charlotte J

Tuesday 18th – Emma C

Friday 21st – Sarah B + Emma F

Supporting your children in how to care for their teeth.

COVID-19 update

As we all know the Governments Roadmap is on track and planned Step 3 easements will go ahead on 17th May, the Prime Minister has confirmed. Therefore, we have been issued updated Guidance from The Department for Education and wanted to share with you all that the following is still in place.

• Bubbles remain in place.

• Drop off and pick up times remain in place.

• Face coverings remain a requirement unless you are exempt.

• Social distancing remains in places.

• Visitors remain prohibited within the nursery building unless they are an educational professional who is here to work with a specific child for a specific need.

• Lateral Flow tests should still be taken twice a week if you have none of the COVID-19 symptoms stated below.

• You MUST still ensure a PCR test is taken by anyone in your households who shows symptoms of COVID-19, cough, temp, change or loss of sense of taste or smell.

• 10 days isolation is still in place.

We will of course keep you updated as we receive new updates over the next few months.

Speech and Language Communication and Autism advice line

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s speech or communication development our Hertfordshire, SEND Local Officer has provided us with the following telephone number:

The Wildlife Trusts

Now lockdown is easing why not take part in ’30 Days Wild’ during the month of June. Make the most of nature and exploring the great outdoors!

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge where they ask the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June. Your daily Random Acts of Wildness can be anything you like - litter-picking, birdwatching, planting for pollinators, puddle-splashing, you name it! To help you on your way, The Wildlife Trusts will provide you with a FREE postal or digital pack of goodies to inspire your wild month - including an activity passport and a wallchart to track your progress. If you take part, please share your Random Acts of Wildness on your child’s Tapestry account.

The babies have been…

Developing their knowledge of Eid by creating moon decorations, exploring how to their bodies can make marks using paint, feathers and tissue paper whilst creating butterflies and sea animals. The babies have also planted their own cress and are watching them grow to develop their understanding of changes over time.

Next week we will be…

Exploring play dough using cutters and rollers, having a go at communicating using single words when role playing having a picnic with their peers and adults as well as sharing a variety of books. The babies will also take part in music time where they sing lots of nursery rhymes and number songs to also develop their communication.

Toddlers have

Toddlers have been…

Exploring water play and small animals whilst cleaning the dirty animals to develop our understanding of hygiene routines. The Toddlers have also been using edible messy play to explore their senses and textures such as pasta, peach and coconut. During their garden play the Toddlers have also been climbing the nursery play equipment confidently!

Next week we will be…

Exploring oat play with small world animals and cups to explore transporting and tiping the oats as well as identifying the animals that are hidden within the oats. They will also be continuing to develop their gross motor movements by moving across the obstacle course in our garden play and moving our bodies in a variety of ways to music.

The 2-3’s have been…

Exploring how they can make marks in a variety of ways such as using animals to walk in the paint as well as using blocks and transport vehicles to create marks. The 2-3’s have also been exploring a variety of instruments and the sounds they make, developing their knowledge of how to keep their teeth clean by cleaning the dirty teeth!

Next week we will be…

Beginning to categorise objects when tasting fruit and vegetables using language of size and talking about which one if our favorite. As well as talking about how we travel to nursery whilst creating train tracks and playing with the cars and garage. The 2-3’s will also be exploring their emotions next week in a variety of ways.

The 3-5’s have been…

Our new topic is – ‘Following our children’s individual interests.’

Our Topic activities have been digging for dinosaur fossils in the garden, creating a range of different sized towers in a race with our peers, sharing our ‘Hey Duggee’ story books, bathing the babies in the water tray and talking about going to ‘big school’ whilst trying on our school uniform from our Wonderland Uniform Shop.

Our Phonics focus has been using our letter stones to identify phoneme sounds and having a go at constructing three and four lettered words. The children have also been threading Superhero’s and exploring playdough to develop their finger muscles.

Our Mathematical focus has been matching numerals to quantity, touch counting the correct corresponding number of dinosaurs as well as exploring capacity whilst playing in the water tray.

Next week we will be…

Our new topic is – ‘Following our children’s individual interests.

Our Topic interests will be exploring diggers and dumper trucks in the sand, role playing baking cakes whilst looking through our recipe books as well as creating mud pies and potions in our mud kitchen within the garden.

Our Phonics focus will be exploring rhyme and alliteration within The Room On The Broom Story using our puppets from the story, exploring segmenting and blending a range of words and recording these using phoneme frames and sorting objects into groups of the same initial sound.

Our Mathematical focus will be identifying one more than a given number as well as recording numbers using marks we can explain. As well as exploring measuring using nonstandard units.

Thank you for your continuing support.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Wonderland management team.

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