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Week Commencing 14th November 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • November 14, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 14th November 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Autumn/Winter menu

Currently there are no planned changes to this week’s menu. If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.

Accounts –

Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers – Hannah H –

2-3’s - Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Extra sessions –

Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -

Staff Holiday

Monday 14th + Tuesday 15th November - Kelly C

Wednesday 16th November - Lara

Thursday 17th + Friday 18th November - Nicole

Thursday 17th November - Hannah H

Friday 18th November - Daisy, Emily H

Children In Need Week

Wonderland will be raising lots of money and going ‘spotty’ for Children In Need again this year during the week of 14th November.

As always, we will be having a number of fundraising activities / events taking place right throughout the week, here are some of our ideas so far.

Spotty Day - Monday 14th November

Superhero Dress up day - Tuesday 15th November

PJY Day - Wednesday 16th November

Dress like a Pudsey Day - Thursday 17th November

Dance-a-thon + Pudsey Party Tea!

Bake Sale!

Staff challenges:

Kitchen Team + Gary – Cream Pie’s in the face (Monday)

Management Team – Corrin – Pudsey Bear Pong! (Thursday)

Baby Team - Crazy Hair Day (Friday)

Toddler Team - Balloon popping surprise (Tuesday)

2-3's Team - Colour Run! (Wednesday)

3-5's Team + Emma E - Water tipping challenge (Monday)

If you would like to sponsor any of the staff teams to complete their staff challenge, please send your pledges through the following link:

Sponsor Staff Here

Booking extra sessions and requesting changes to your child’s permanent sessions

We are changing the way we would like you to communicate with us regarding increasing, decreasing and requesting changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions.

If you would like any changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions, please can you email the following address: Corrin our Nursery Manager will look into your request as soon as possible.

If you would like to book extra sessions, please may we ask that these are still sent to Toni our Deputy Manager using the following address:

Toni will look at the availability and will get back to you at her earliest convenience..

Current illness' at Wonderland

We currently have a confirmed case of Chicken Pox within our Toddler Age Group as well as a suspected cases of Scarlet Fever within the Toddler Age Group. 

Scarlet fever is a contagious infection that mostly affects young children. It's easily treated with antibiotics.

The first signs of scarlet fever can be flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, a sore throat and swollen neck glands (a large lump on the side of your neck). A rash appears 12 to 48 hours later. It looks like small, raised bumps and starts on the chest and tummy, then spreads. The rash makes your skin feel rough, like sandpaper.

Find Out More

Within our 3-5’s Age Group we also have one confirmed case of Hand, foot and Mouth and one parent who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood illness that can also affect adults. It usually gets better on its own in 7 to 10 days.

The first signs of hand, foot and mouth disease can be: a sore throat, a high temperature, not wanting to eat, after a few days mouth ulcers and a rash will appear.

The symptoms are usually the same in adults and children, but they can be worse in babies and children under 5.

It's possible to get hand, foot and mouth disease more than once.

Find Out More

Who let the Dads Out?

Calling all Dads, Grandad’s and Father Figures, would you like to have lots of fun with your children up to the age of 6 years old? Come along to St Paul’s Church Hall, Pixmore Way in Letchworth to meet other Dads, Grandad’s and Father Figures for Bacon rolls and a coffee whilst the children explore their fantastic arts and crafts, activities and play with a variety of toys.

St Paul’s Church Hall,

Pixmore Way,



Icknield center – Christmas Concert

We are so pleased to be able to share with you that this year we are able to invite Parents and Carers of the 2-3’s and 3-5’s children to join us at the Icknield Center in Letchworth on Wednesday 14th December.

More details and times will follow. However, this will take place after 2:30pm on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th December. The 2-3 children will take the stage first and then the 3-5’s children will take to the stage.

If your child attends Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon they will be transported with the Wonderland Team to the Icknield Center. The children will then be able to go home from the Icknield Center once they have preformed their Christmas Songs and dances.

We will be sending more details out very soon!

Babies and Toddler Christmas Sing-a-long

We are really looking forward to inviting two Parents or Carers into Wonderland for the Babies and Toddler Sing-a-long. This will take place during the morning of Wednesday 14th December 2022.

Times will be shared very soon.  

Art project for schools

The children have been working hard to create their very own Christmas design which has been off to the Art Project For Schools. This was returned early this week. The majority of these have now been handed out to Parents and Carers this week.

Attached to your child’s design were two pieces of paper which explained how you could order your child’s design.

The deadline for ordering is – Friday 18th November 2022.

If your child has been poorly or on holiday during the last few weeks of October, they may have missed the deadline to create a Christmas design this year.

Welly Walk

The Babies have been...

Creating towers using Duplo blocks and then giggling when they knock them down again. They have also been developing their fine motor skills by holding pieces of chalk in their hands and creating marks on the blackboard as well as using their feet to make marks. 

Next week the Babies will be……

Exploring string painting, creating marks on paper, and watching how they fall; they will also be taking part in drawing in the garden using a variety of colours. As it is children in need, they will be making their own Pudsey’s using different types of sensory materials, tissue paper, glitter, paint etc. We can’t wait to see all your Pudsey inspired outfits next week

The Toddlers have been...

The Toddlers this week have been developing their understanding of the world by taking part in an animal rescue tuff tray, this has also taught them about types of animals that exist and the sounds they make. We have also been getting creative by creating our very own rain pictures, as the weather has been changing recently the children have been learning about the rain, listening out for the noises, and splashing in the puddles. The children have also been learning to count from 1-5 using a variety of different vehicles and watching them fall down the ramp. 

Next week we will be…

Creating their own Pudsey masks to represent Children In Need, as well as boogying to music during our fun Pudsey disco. The children will also be searching for Pudsey’s around the nursery trying to locate multiple Pudsey and Blush bears hiding. 

The 2-3's have been...

Using their mathematical skills and have been matching by colour when exploring a range of loose parts with the large wooden weighing scales. They have been building and measuring using the multilink cubes. They have also been creating painted poppy pictures using apples and cotton wool to print with.

This week's book of the week is: Don't wake the bear, Hare!

Next week we will be...

Creating Pudsey bear pictures and decorating Pudsey and children in need biscuits. They will also be creating tree pictures using their hands and will be exploring an Arctic animal’s sensory foam tray.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Autumn, Remembrance Day

Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 3 – Body Percussion

The children have been singing a range of songs with actions to encourage body percussion throughout the song, such as ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,’ ‘If your happy and you know it.’ We have also been identifying a range of environmental sounds whilst playing sound lotto. Such as ‘snoring,’ ‘sneezing,’ ‘telephones ringing’ whilst practising to use our listening ears. 

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Exploring their enormous ‘5 Frame’ whilst singing ‘5 Little Firemen.’ The children have been developing their Mathematical Tool Kit by identifying when their 5 Frame is full and empty. Some of the children could also identify when the 5 Frame needed 1 more child to be complete. 

Our STEAM activities this week have been…..

Using our scales to explore the different weights of a variety of objects as well as continuing to plant our conkers! 

Our Topic focus have been…

Creating and sourcing their very own shop. The children have really seemed to enjoy taking turns being the shop keeper and the customer. They have also been continuing to explore our touch screen computers to complete a variety of age-appropriate games as well as using our sensory light up boards to create a variety of marks that they are able to explain. The children have also created their very own fairy garden and firework pictures. Finally, some of the children have also been exploring how to segment and blend a range of CVC words as well as using their hands and apples to create their very own Poppy Pictures, to think about the soldiers who keep us safe!

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 4 - Rhythm, and Rhyme 

Next week the children will be exploring rhythm and rhyme in a variety of ways. They will be sharing the story of ‘What The Ladybird Heard’ to identify the rhyming words or words that sound the same. As well as playing rhyming bingo with their friends.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus...

Will be continuing to develop their number sense through observing and noticing the changes in our conker plants. Beginning to predict what we think might happen next.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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