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Week Commencing 4th November 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • November 7, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 4th November 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu

Currently there are no planned changes to this week’s menu. If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.

Accounts –

Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers – Hannah H –

2-3’s - Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Extra sessions –

Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -

Staff Holiday

Monday 7th & Tuesday 8th November - Karin

Week commencing 7th November - Leah

Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th November - Jade

Wednesday 9th November - Hannah J

Thursday 10th November - Lara & Lili C

Friday 11th November - Tabitha

Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th & Friday 11th November - Kelly C

Children In Need Week

Wonderland will be raising lots of money and going ‘spotty’ for Children In Need again this year during the week of 14th November.

As always, we will be having a number of fundraising activities / events taking place right throughout the week, here are some of our ideas so far.

Staff challenges will also be back!

Watch this space!!!

Staff challenges so far!

Kitchen Team + Gary – Cream Pie’s in the face.

Management Team – Corrin – Pudsey Bear Pong! 

Booking extra sessions and requesting changes to your child’s permanent sessions

We are changing the way we would like you to communicate with us regarding increasing, decreasing and requesting changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions.

If you would like any changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions, please can you email the following address: Corrin our Nursery Manager will look into your request as soon as possible.

If you would like to book extra sessions, please may we ask that these are still sent to Toni our Deputy Manager using the following address:

Toni will look at the availability and will get back to you at her earliest convenience..

The Cultivo Giving Tree is back – Share some Christmas Joy! 

Come into the restaurant and pick a tag, buy and wrap a gift and return it to Cultivo by 8th December!

Current illness' at Wonderland

We currently have several children who have had loose bowel movements this week. There seems to also be a number of children with high temperatures. 

As a nursery we are of course continuing to sterilise the toys, touch points and surfaces.

If your child has a bought of sickness or experiences loose bowel movements, please ensure they remain away from nursery for 48 hours since their last bought. 

Free Behaviour Course

Would you like to pick up some tips on how to support your child’s behaviour then have a look at this free course run at our local Family Centre – Chestnut Tree.

Icknield center – Christmas Concert

We are so pleased to be able to share with you that this year we are able to invite Parents and Carers of the 2-3’s and 3-5’s children to join us at the Icknield Center in Letchworth on Wednesday 14th December.

More details and times will follow. However, this will take place after 2:30pm on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th December. The 2-3 children will take the stage first and then the 3-5’s children will take to the stage.

If your child attends Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon they will be transported with the Wonderland Team to the Icknield Center. The children will then be able to go home from the Icknield Center once they have preformed their Christmas Songs and dances.

We will be sending more details out very soon!

Babies and Toddler Christmas Sing-a-long

We are really looking forward to inviting two Parents or Carers into Wonderland for the Babies and Toddler Sing-a-long. This will take place during the morning of Wednesday 14th December 2022.

Times will be shared very soon.  

Art project for schools

The children have been working hard to create their very own Christmas design which has been off to the Art Project For Schools Company on Monday 24th October. If your child has been poorly or on holiday during the last few weeks of October, they may have missed the deadline to create a Christmas design this year.

We expect to have the Christmas Designs back during the week commencing 7th November. Once we have these back, we will provide more information regarding how to order your child’s Christmas design as a variety of products, such as Christmas cards, wrapping paper, mugs and tags.  

Welly Walk

The Babies have been...

Exploring how to create marks as fireworks using paint and tubes as stamps as well as rolling cars and buses down their rainbow slide. As well as creating Halloween pumpkin pictures and exploring their Halloween sensory tray.

Next week the Babies will be……

Creating apple print poppy pictures

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring ‘old McDonald had a farm’ activities naming the different types of animals and repeating the noises associated with each animal. Toddlers have also been very interested in textures this week using their hands to talk about how materials feel such as hay, mud, water, and paint. We have also been making our very own firework creations, learning about the types of sounds that can be heard from a variety of fireworks. 

Next week we will be…

e Taking a trip around the nursery on a Gruffalo hunt, trying to identify the characters from the book, we will also be making playdough and talking about what action comes first. The children will be joined by signing sam on Monday and we will be learning our signs and using them in our play.

The 2-3's have been...

Continuing to explore fireworks in a variety of creative ways such as painting and flicking, as well as using watery paint to flick onto their crazy foam sky. The children have also explored pumpkin carving, creating garages and workshops using their large wooden blocks and exploring how to create different rhythms using a range of musical instruments.

Next week we will be...

Using magnifying glasses during their garden play to investigate and search for minibeasts and small Autumnal objects. The children will also be exploring an Autumn tuff tray to develop their senses and using cars to roll down ramps they have built to identify how are the cars travel. 

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Autumn, Diwali, Fireworks

Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 2 – General Sound Discrimination – Instrumental 

Within this aspect we aim to develop the children’s awareness of sounds and how these can be made by a variety of different instruments. The children have been exploring large pots and pans, with metal and wooden spoons to see what sounds they can make and also exploring a variety of instruments to see if they can make loud and quiet sounds. 

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Exploring leaves and noticing what we can see. The children have been using conkers and 5 Frames to explore Mathematical language such as ‘1 left,’ ‘full,’ ‘empty.’ 

The children have also been exploring and creating their very own Number Blocks using linking cubes.

Our STEAM activities this week have been…..

Creating our very own pumpkin pictures using apples and orange paint, carving and exploring pumpkins and their seeds! As well as planting our conkers!

Our Topic focus have been…

Continuing to explore the festival of Diwali by creating our very own Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns. As well as creating our very own firework pictures using tubes and sponges. The children have also explored their fairy garden and farm sensory trays this week. Finally the children have loved exploring the puddles this week, including mixing paint into these puddles! 

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 3 – Body Percussion

The children will be singing a range of songs with actions to encourage body percussion throughout the song, such as ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,’ ‘If your happy and you know it.’ We will also be identifying a range of environmental sounds whilst playing sound lotto. Such as ‘snoring,’ ‘sneezing,’ ‘telephones ringing’ whilst practising to use our listening ears.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus...

Will be continuing to develop their number sense through observing and noticing the changes in our conker plants. Beginning to predict what we think might happen next. 

Our Topic focus will be...

Exploring our Wonderland Shop to have a go at using money whilst being the shop keeper and playing imaginatively with our peers as well as creating Poppies and learning about Remembrance Day. 

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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