Blog Post

Week Commencing 14th June 2021

Wonderland Day Nursery • June 14, 2021

Wonderland Weekly News 

WC 14th June 2021

Drop off and collection times for the next two weeks

WC 14th June 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am 3-5 age group Garden back door
8:30am-9:00am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am Toddlers Garden back door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm 3-5 age group Garden back door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm Toddlers Garden back door

WC 21st June 2021

Drop off times Age group Entrance to use
8:00am-8:25am Toddlers Garden door
8:00am-8:25am 2-3 age group Main door
8:30am-9:00am 3-5 age group Garden door
Collection times Age group Collection point
5:00pm – 5:25pm Toddlers Garden door
5:00pm – 5:25pm 2-3 age group Main door
5:30pm – 6:00pm 3-5 age group Garden door

Breakfast club

Is only available for families whose week it is to drop off at 8:00 – 8:30am. Breakfast club needs to be booked with a member of the management team. There is an additional charge for breakfast club and limited spaces. Please email any of the following email address:

Lunchtime collections

Please can we remind you all to continue to drop off and collect your children during their allocated bubble times. This is to ensure we are not mixing bubbles and maintaining our social distancing guidelines. The times are as follows:
Drop off times Collection times Entrance to use
8:00am - 8:25am 1.00pm – 1:25pm 2-3’s – nursery front door.
8:30am - 9:00am 1:30pm - 2.00pm Toddlers and 3-5’s – Office door

Who can I contact within my child’s age group?

If you have any questions about your child’s age group, worries or concerns please feel free to email the corresponding room mentor. Here are their email address’:
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thrs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E (T-Fri)–

This week’s menu

This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/ Summer menu.

There are no planned changes to our menu currently, however our amazing kitchen team will make changes on a daily basis if needed due to the hot weather. If there are any unplanned changes these will be share with you on your child’s individual handover sheet.

Staff Holidays

All week – Denise

Monday 14th – Karin

Monday and Tuesday – 14th – 15th Kelly

Wednesday 16th – Lily + Daisy

Thursday 17th + Friday 18th – Emily + Daisy

Thursday 18th June - Tara

Friday 18th June – Emma E

COVID-19 update

AEven though COVID-19 restrictions are easing.

There are still families who have vulnerable members as well as family members who have not yet had their COVID-19 vaccinations. Therefore, until we are issued updated COVID-19 guidance we will continue to implement our COVID-19 restrictions and polices.

Which means the following is still in place.

• Social distancing remains in place – please ensure you are not passing others in the queue.

• Bubbles remain in place.

• Drop off and pick up times remain in place.

• Face coverings remain a requirement unless you are exempt.

• Visitors remain prohibited within the nursery building unless they are an educational professional who is here to work with a specific child for a specific need.

• Lateral Flow tests should still be taken twice a week if you have none of the COVID-19 symptoms stated below. (Lateral flow tests are not recommended for use on children of nursery age, the government website states that the lateral flow test service can only be used by children 11 years and older.)

• You MUST still ensure a PCR test is taken by anyone in your households who shows symptoms of COVID-19, cough, temp, change or loss of sense of taste or smell.

• 10 days isolation is still in place.

• Please remember if your child is isolating and therefore not attending nursery you will not be charged nursery fees during this time.

• If your child goes home from nursery in the morning with a COVID-19 symptom you will be charged for your morning session but not the afternoon session.

If your child goes home during the afternoon with a COVID-19 symptom you will be charged for a full nursery day.

• If one of your children has COVID-19 symptoms, then the entire household should isolate including other siblings at Wonderland.

We will of course keep you updated as we receive new updates over the next few months.

Coughs and colds

Over the last few weeks, we have had to send many children and staff home to have a PCR COVID-19 test due to having COVID-19 symptoms. We would like to take this opportunity to send a big thank you to those parents who have worked in partnership with us and shown understanding in following the Governments COVID guidelines.

3-5’s parents

If your child is leaving Wonderland this Summer to attend Reception or Nursery school and you would like a telephone chat with your child’s key carer before they leave Wonderland, please email emmaedwards@wonderlandnursery.

Coughs and Colds

Over the last few weeks, we have had to send many children and staff home to have a PCR COVID-19 test due to having COVID-19 symptoms. We would like to take this opportunity to send a big thank you to those parents who have worked in partnership with us and shown understanding in following the Governments COVID guidelines.

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3-5’s Parents

If your child is leaving Wonderland this Summer to attend Reception or Nursery school and you would like a telephone chat with your child’s key carer before they leave Wonderland, please email and we will try to book you in at a mutually convenient time.

Late Collection

We completely understand that on occasion you may be late to collect your child due to being held up at work or another unplanned change. As a one off you will not be charged. However, if this becomes a regular occurrence you will be charged a late collection fee due to our staff having to stay later than the end of their shift. The late collection fee is £15 for every 15 minutes you are late. Our staff already work a long day so please could we ask you all to try your best to collect your children at the end of their bubble times as our staff do have their own appointments outside of work times.

We thank you in your cooperation with this.

Sunhats, Sun Cream and Changes of Clothes

Please could you ensure your child always has a named sunhat with them at nursery? As well as a named sun hat could you please supply a named bottle of sun cream for your child to use at nursery if you do not want the nursery sun cream to be applied. The sun cream we use at Wonderland is; Ambre Solaire Factor 50.

Throughout the sunny weather the Wonderland team have lots of tricks to ensure the children remain cool throughout their nursery day. One of these tricks includes lots of water play! Therefore, could we also ask that the children have spare named clothes within their nursery bags?

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Bank Holidays, Holidays and Poorly Children

Please can we remind you that if your child’s nursery sessions fall on a bank holiday you will be charged for this session, this also applies if your child is poorly and does not attend nursery for their usual session.

If you decide to take your child on holiday when they are due to be at nursery you will also be charged for your child’s regular sessions. This also applies if you choose to go on holiday and you must isolate on your return you will be charged for your child’s regular nursery sessions. This is due to you choosing to take the risk of going on holiday during the COVID pandemic.

Nursery Clothing and Toys from Home

Please could you ensure you are sending your children into nursery in clothing that is labelled and is not of great value. The children take part in lovely activities throughout their nursery day such as painting, mud play and water play. Our staff do their best to ensure all clothing is returned home to their owners, but things do go missing and on occasion clothing can get stained.

We will do our very best to locate missing items but please do bear with us whilst we are searching for the missing items.

Could we also take the opportunity to remind you all to please encourage your children to leave their toys at home. This is part of our COVID procedures to ensure germs are not being bought into the setting and, so the children do not get upset if their toy is lost at nursery.

Thank you for your continuing support.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Wonderland management team.

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