This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu
Currently the planned changes we have next week are within the yellow boxes above.
If there are any other changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.
Accounts –
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Hannah H –
2-3’s - Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Extra sessions –
Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -
We are changing the way we would like you to communicate with us regarding increasing, decreasing and requesting changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions.
If you would like any changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions, please can you email the following address: Corrin our Nursery Manager will look into your request as soon as possible.
If you would like to book extra sessions, please may we ask that these are still sent to Toni our Deputy Manager using the following address:
Toni will look at the availability and will get back to you at her earliest convenience..
Teaching Internet Safety
More and more Pre-schoolers are getting their own tablets or borrowing their parents’ devices to play games, use apps, and watch their favourite TV shows. Watch the link below to find out how to support safe online journey of your child.
There is also a handy internet safety checklist for your information to continue to support your child in accessing the digital world around them as they grow, by following the link below to the Internet Matters website.
Childhood Illnesses Currently at Wonderland
As mentioned last week, we currently have a number of common childhood illness within the Wonderland Community. This week we have had one confirmed case of Hand, foot and mouth within our Baby Unit. We also have ear infections and one confirmed case of Croup within our 2-3’s Age Group.
If you would like more information on Hand, Foot and Mouth and Croup, please follow the link to the NHS website below.
Hand, Foot and Mouth
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood illness that can also affect adults. It usually gets better on its own in 7 to 10 days.
The first signs of hand, foot and mouth disease can be:
• a sore throat
• a high temperature
• not wanting to eat
After a few days mouth ulcers and a rash will appear.
There is no isolation from nursery as long as your child is well within themselves, and they do not have a temperature.
Croup is a common condition that mainly affects babies' and young children's airways. It's usually mild, but it's important to call NHS 111 if you think your child has croup. They may need treatment.
These are the symptoms of croup:
• a barking cough that sounds like a seal (you can search online to hear examples)
• a hoarse voice
• difficulty breathing
• a rasping sound when breathing in Your child will usually have cold-like symptoms to begin with, such as a temperature, runny nose and cough. Croup symptoms usually come on after a few days and are often worse at night.
The Cultivo Giving Tree is back – Share some Christmas Joy!
Come into the restaurant and pick a tag, buy and wrap a gift and return it to Cultivo by 8th December!
Free Behaviour Course
Would you like to pick up some tips on how to support your child’s behaviour then have a look at this free course run at our local Family Centre – Chestnut Tree.
Nearly New Sale
This Saturday at the Priory School 2pm - 3.30pm
Family Support Service
The Babies have been exploring jelly and squishy paint to develop their interest in textures as well as creating an Autumn tree as well as exploring a range of different coloured cooked pasta.
The Babies have also continued to develop their communication using symbolic sounds when playing with the animals and taking part in their Tiny Mites session. Finally, the Babies have also been exploring how to hide and search for hidden objects.
Next week the Babies will be……
Exploring gloop play and an autumnal tuff tray in their garden and an Autumnal collage.
Exploring a variety of textures such as cotton wool and paint using their fingers to create marks and learning new descriptive words such as ‘soft and squishy’. They have also been learning to count to 5 using the beloved nursery rhyme ‘5 little ducks.’ The children have been very clever at identifying the colours using their splat cards.
Next week we will be……
The Toddlers will be building towers and counting how many blocks make up the tower, identifying colours using a colour wheel as well as creating our very own spiders.
Creating their own hedgehogs using playdough, talking about autumnal objects such as leaves and conkers as well as what happens when the season changes. Identifying simple shapes such as triangles and squares within our room Using paintbrushes to develop our fine motor skills by creating marks using water and talking about the images that have been made.
The 2-3’s story of the week has been ’10 little pumpkins.’
Next week we will be making vegetable Halloween potions exploring scents.
We will continue to learn about the changes that Autumn brings to our natural world. We will also be developing our gross motor skills when climbing on our apparatus outside.
Next week we will be... Searching for hidden spider tuft tray through cooked spaghetti, creating Halloween pasta necklaces, sharing the story of Room on the Broom.
They will also be creating leaf printings and exploring their heights.
Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.
Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 7 – Oral Blending
It is so important for the children to have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling oral blending before they are introduced to grapheme and phoneme correspondences.
Therefore, at nursery we are practicing our oral blending words such as c-u-p at snack times and h-a-t when putting on our outdoor clothing for the garden.
Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.
The children have also been using their talking conversation toy phones to develop their speech and listening skills, creating marks on their new light up mark making board, recording their favourite songs on their sound buttons, and using their new dinosaur puppets to begin to interact imaginatively with their peers.
Our Mathematical focus has been...
Continuing to explore our amazing environment to develop our number sense. By using our computer to explore Number Street, interacting with a range of number stories, natural objects and describing what we can see in our curiosity cube! The children have also been exploring our magnetic shapes to build and construct a variety of things.
Our Topic focus have been…
Exploring and learning about space and Astronomy to celebrate Astronomy Day and World Space Week by sharing the story ‘What Ever Next,’ taking part in a crater on the moon experiment and a bubbling planet experiment and creating their own rockets.
The children will have also been continuing their development of everything Autumnal by creating Autumnal trees using paints and broccoli!
The children also created their very own icecream shop, using large wooden blocks and pretend money to open their shop!
Next week we will be…
Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.
Our Phonics focus will be…
Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 3 – Body Percussion
The children will be singing a range of songs with actions to encourage body percussion throughout the song, such as ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,’ ‘If your happy and you know it.’
We will also be identifying a range of environmental sounds whilst playing sound lotto. Such as ‘snoring,’ ‘sneezing,’ ‘telephones ringing’ whilst practising to use our listening ears.
Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Will be continuing to develop their number sense through subsidising using conkers to see what they ‘notice’ what is the same, what is different as well as developing our vocabulary to describe the conkers such as tough, spikey, round, smooth etc.
We will also be exploring our conkers using our senses – touch and smell.
Our topic focus will be...
Listening to and exploring the story of Funny Bones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. The children will then be identifying the beginning, middle and end of the story and even creating their own story.
Some of the children have also shown interest in Harry Potter. Therefore, the children will also be sharing the story of ‘There’s a Witch In My Book,’ by Tom Fletcher, creating their very own wands, exploring Halloween pasta, creating positions in our water tray and designing their very our ‘house crest.’