This week we are following our Week 2 Autumn/Winter menu.
On Friday the children will be enjoying vegetable pasta for lunch and chocolate cake with chocolate sauce for pudding. As well as cracker and butter for their morning snack.
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Thursday 17th March – St Patricks Day.
Monday 21st March – World Poetry Day.
Tuesday 22nd March – World Water Day.
Wednesday 23rd March – World Mathematics Day.
Friday 25th March – Mother’s Day Breakfast – If your child attends Wonderland on a Friday morning and you would like to book a place to have Mother’s Day Breakfast with your child please email to book a space. Mother’s Day breakfast will run from 8 – 9am.
ERIC have a variety of helpful resoruces, ways of communicating with other parents and professionals for advice to support your children in beginning and continuing on their potty training journey. There is also guidance when dealing with constipation in children and much much more.
Free NHS Food Scanner App is now available to help support a healthy life style. Get this now!
Exploring pancakes and their ingredients as well as exploring a range of stories for World Book Day. The babies have also been exploring a range of instruments and beginning to join in with the sounds and words within familiar songs and rhymes.
Next week we will be...
Exploring their garden by traveling down the slide, farm printing to explore mark making and using our different senses to investigate our tuff trays.
Settling into their new rooms and starting to learn about our new surroundings. They have been practicing their walking ensuring that they are stable on their feet and being more independent in choosing their toys. They have also been playing with playdough using their fingers as well as instruments to manipulate the playdough and strengthen their finger muscles.
Next week we will be...
We will be creating stained glass windows using a variety of materials to display in the room. They will be exploring different colours and mixing paints and reading a rainbow book. They will be exploring tastes by trying a variety of fruits and learning about their likes and dislikes.
Taking part in a ‘Goldilocks and the 3 bears’ roleplay game in celebration of World Book Day. They have been using ‘crazy foam’ to make and decorate pretend cupcakes. They have also been developing their hand eye coordination when using tweezers to pick up small sensory objects.
Next week we will be...
Continuing to develop the children’s interest in roleplay when pretending to buy and sell toys and food in the roleplay area. We will also be taking part in obstacle courses outside as well as looking for signs of Spring outside.
Our new topic is – Pancake Day and World Book Day
Our Phonics focus has been… Taking part in initial sound pancake races during their garden play.
Our Mathematical focus has been… Creating a range of different shaped track to direct the BeeBot and Robot Mice around our track. We have also been using positional language to describe which direction the Beebot and mouse have been travelling.
Our Topic focus has been... Making Gruffalo crumble, saving the super veggies from the evil peas (developing our fine motor skills.)
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – Spring and St Patrick’s Day.
Our Phonics focus will be… Creating our very own named rainbows, identifying our own names and the sounds within our names
Our Mathematical focus will be… Exploring capacity in the water and sand trays using a range of tools, jugs, bowls and funnels.
Our Topic focus will be... Beginning to develop our understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly by looking after our very own caterpillars. The children will also be learning about David Attenborough and creating their very own Shamrock Art paintings. During their garden play the children will also be playing cricket whilst learning about the Women’s Cricket World Cup.