This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu.
The children will be enjoying a Chinese lunch on Monday and will be having sandwiches for dinner.
On Tuesday evening the children will be enjoying a vegetable pasta for tea.
If there are any other changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
Emma B + Katie G – all week.
Agnes – Monday.
Tasha – Thursday + Friday
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
To ensure that Wonderland continues to promote culturally sensitive activities, and are inclusive to everyone within our community, we will be celebrating Lunar New Year, rather than Chinese New Year.
Lunar New Year is celebrated all over the world, and in China, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines, Lunar New Year is a national holiday. This year, Lunar New Year starts on 1st February, and lasts for fifteen days, so expect 2 weeks of different activities from the children right across the nursery.
Our fantastic Kitchen Team will be preparing a special Chinese Lunch for the children to enjoy on
Monday 31st January.
Throughout the week of 31st January 2022 the entire nursery will be celebrating Story Telling Week in a range of ways.
If your child would like to dress up as their favourite from one of their favourite story books during this week they are more than welcome to do so!
Office Team – A member of the Office Team has tested positive for COVID-19.
Babies - No cases.
Toddlers - A child, staff member and two parents have tested positive for COVID-19.
2-3’s – Two parents have tested positive for COVID-19.
3-5’s – A parent and a sibling have tested positive for COVID-19.
Please can we ask all of our parents and carers to continue wearing face coverings (unless exempt) when dropping off or collecting your children until the isolation rules are no longer in place.
Throughout the week of 7th February 2022 the entire nursery will be raising money for the NSPCC in a variety of ways by supporting Number Day 2022. Here are a few ways the children can support Number Day 2022.
Complete a number hunt at home and enter our competition with a £2 donation to have a chance of winning a number activity game.
Please print off or ask for a copy from a Wonderland Team Member and return this to nursery before Friday 11th February 2022.
Developing their tastes when showing confidence in trying exotic fruits, sharing a range of stories pressing buttons and lifting the flaps and doors, taking part in potato printing crafts to develop our understanding of how to make marks as well as taking part in Tiny Mites during Wednesday morning.

Next week we will be...
The babies will be creating hand print zebras to celebrate International Zebra Day, exploring rice and noodles to celebrate Luna New Year and sharing the story of Dear Zoo to celebrate National Story Week.
Creating their own play dough, mixing the flour and water together using a range of tools such as their hands and spoons. The Toddlers have also been exploring their wall puzzles and inset puzzles to develop their understanding of shape as well as taking part in their music and dance session, Tiny Mites on Wednesday morning.
Next week we will be...
The Toddlers will be making Chinese New Year Hats to celebrate The Luna new Year, investigate how our bodies can move in a range of ways when completing an obstacle course during their garden play and going on a Bear Hunt.
Continuing to develop their scissor control and knowledge about scissor safety, playing cooperatively with their peers when playing games such as roll the ball and creating their very own car tracks and roads.
Next week we will be...
Continuing to develop their imaginative play by exploring their role play area, taking part in a range of story times to share stories such as The Gruffalo, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Dear Zoo.
Our new topic is – following our children’s interests.
Our Phonics focus has been… Continuing to recognise our names whilst taking part in our morning circle time by finding our named leaf. The children have also been exploring their listening skills and concentration skills when playing ‘Kim’s game’ with musical instruments. The children have also been creating a range of marks and having a go at forming a range of CVC words. Finally, there has been lots of playdough play throughout the week to develop or fine motor skills.
Our Mathematical focus has been… Continuing to develop our numeral awareness by singing a range of number rhymes and songs as well as completing our very own number lines using our numbered small world houses. The children have also been drawing shapes in a variety of ways and creating patterns using the circular hoops during their garden play.
Our Topic focus has been... Creating a range of Scottish Flags and thistle pictures to continue our learning about Burns Night.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – Luna New Year and National Story Telling week.
Our Phonics focus will be… Identifying a range of initial sounds as we share our favourite story books as well as having a go at segmenting and blending a range of CV and CVC words in a variety of ways.
Our Mathematical focus will be…
Continuing to develop our number development by playing number dominoes 0 – 5, 5 – 10, and 10 – 20.