This week we are following our Week 4 Autumn/Winter menu.
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
Monday 21st February 2022 – Daisy and Nicole
Friday 25th February 2022 – Karin (pm)
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open.
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers – Nichola (M-Thurs)–
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
During the week of 28th February, the children at Wonderland will be celebrating World Book Day in a range of ways.
If your child would like to dress up as their favourite from one of their favourite story books during this week they are more than welcome to do so!
Please can we make you aware that if you arrive late on many occasions you will start to receive a late fee. Our staff have families and other commitments, and it is not fair that they these are comprised on a regular basis. Our late fee is charged at £15 for every 15 mins you are late.
We are beginning to lay the foundations for changes to our drop off and collection procedures to ensure we have all the information we need when Wonderland is given the green light to lift all COVID-19 procedures. This will include changes to our current drop off and collection procedures. However, everything will stay the same until we communicate anything different with you.
Thank you to those parents who have sent over some up-to-date photographs of individuals who are able to drop off and collect your child from Wonderland.
Please can we ask those parents who have not sent in their own pictures and pictures of individuals who are able to collect and drop off their child at wonderland to please do so using your child’s Tapestry account. This can be completed by creating a new observation and adding the pictures to the observation. Within the text box in the observation, please can you write who is who in the correct order.
Thank you to all of those children who donated £2 towards NSPCC Number Day 2022 and who completed their number hunts at home.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the age-appropriate Mathematical Game is – Macsen!
We will share our total raised for NSPCC Number Day next week.
Thank you for all of your support!
Tuesday 1st March 2022 – St David’s Day + Pancake Day
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 – Ash Wednesday
Thursday 3rd March 2022 – World Book Day
Created heart stamps using paint and plastic heart shaped cutters to celebrate Valentine’s Day, exploring the sensory area using our senses of touch and sight to explore the lights, textured toys and mats as well as playing in the sensory tent. The Babies have also been creating storm cloud pictures using paint, cotton wool and glue.
Next week we will be...
Making pizza’s as well as creating family lion pictures using their feet to explore how many people are in our family and taking part in group story times to share our new story books.
Exploring symbolic sounds in a range of ways such as, exploring inset animal puzzle books and identifying hidden animals. The Toddlers have also been creating Valentines Day crafts and riding on the rocking horse.
Next week we will be...
The Toddlers will be having a go at moving in a range of ways to music during Tiny Mites, sharing the story of The Gruffalo and developing their fine motor skills by taking part in threading and completing inset puzzles.
Focusing on the story of The Billy Goats Gruff during story week. The children shared the story through a sensory tray which had a range of different textured materials in. The children then developed their imaginative play along side their peers and adults who shared the story with the children. The children have also been creating treading hearts for Valentines Day and playing in the bubbly water as well as creating their very own yummy pizzas!
Next week we will be...
Taking part in a shape hunt within the nursery environment, sharing the story of Snail and The Whale to explore words that sounds the same and exploring the story of The Three Little Pigs through our senses in a story sensory tray.
Our new topic is – Luna New Year and NSPCC Number Day.
Our Phonics focus has been… Creating our names and marks that we state are our names in a variety of ways. The 3-5’s have also be singing their Jolly Phonic songs to develop their awareness of the most common letter sounds within the English Language ( s,a,t,p,I,n, g,o,c,k.)
Our Mathematical focus has been… Playing Ladybird Bingo to continue to develop our awareness of numbers 0 – 5, 0 – 10 and 10 – 20.
Our Topic focus has been... Creating a range of Fire engines and Rubbish Trucks using the Moblo, developing our confidence when climbing up and over the A Frame during our garden play and exploring our Luna New Year sensory numeral tray. The 3-5’s have also been beginning to observe Daffodil’s and have begun to create textured pictures using the Daffodil’s as a visual stimuli.
Next week we will be...
Our new topic is – Winter Olympics, St David’s Day + Two’s Day (22.02.2022.)
Our Phonics focus will be… Creating our very own Olympic medals. The children will be encouraged to form a range of marks or the initial sound of their name onto their medal or to write their name onto their own medal.
Our Mathematical focus will be… Going on a number 2 hunt around the nursery environment to see how many number 2’s they can find! They will also be continuing to explore different shapes when creating pizzas within our Pizza Shop using a range of different shaped pizza bases.
Our Topic focus will be... Taking part in our 3-5’s Olympic Games during our garden play, throwing bean bags into numbered hoops, completing hurdle races, and creating a hopscotch. The children will also be creating Daffodil suncatchers and taking part in observational art activities using Daffodil to paint their own interpretation.