Blog Post

Week Commencing 30th May 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • June 9, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 30th May 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 2 Spring / Summer menu.

There are no planned changes to next week’s menu.

If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries please email our Accounts Team on the address below.


Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers - Hannah H -

2-3’s – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Toddler parents, please find Hannah Houghton’s email address above.

Toni is now away from nursery for two weeks for annual leave. If you would like to book in extra sessions or have any queries if your child is within the 2-3’s Age Group, please email until Toni returns.

Important dates for your diary

Wonderland Jubilee Garden Party – Wednesday 1st June

Platinum Jubliee - Thursday 2nd June + Friday 3rd June - Nursery Closed

Wednesday 15th June – 3-5’s Photo Day

Thursday 21st July – 3-5’s Graduation Day

3-5’s Graduation Party

We are pleased to share with you that this year we can have our Graduation Party for our 3-5 children who will be leaving Wonderland during the Summer Term.

We will be inviting two adults per child (who is leaving Wonderland) to join us on:

Thursday 21st July – 2:45pm – 4:00pm

Our party will take place within our nursery garden, where the children will have a Graduation presentation and a party tea.

If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Thursday afternoon but they are leaving Wonderland during this coming Summer Term, they are more than welcome to come into Wonderland to be a part of the Graduation celebrations during this time.

If you would like to attend our Graduation Party, please email Emma Edwards to book your place:

Jubilee Party Wednesday 1st June

All of the children at Wonderland will be taking part in a range of special Jubilee party activities throughout the next two weeks.

If your child attends Wonderland on a Wednesday morning session we will be having our garden Jubilee party during our Wednesday lunch time sittings.

We would like to invite your children to dress up as Princes and Princess’, or in red, white or blue for this special day. If your child does not attend Wonderland on a Wednesday morning, they are more than welcome to dress up as stated above during the sessions they attend at Wonderland.

Signing Sam!

We were delighted to welcome back to nursery this week, Becky and Signing Sam. Here are a few pictures of what Signing Sam and the children got up to here at Wonderland.

The Babies have been...

Exploring paint using various types of balls to create patterns on paper as well as building their very own shape towers using different construction blocks. The children have also been developing their physical skills by learning how to balance on the triangular steppingstones.

Next week they will be...

Creating a flag for the Queen’s jubilee and with it using various materials to make their own king and queen crowns as well as baking delicious royal rice cakes.

The Toddlers have been...

Learning about colours using their very own colour organizer box, with this box they were able to identify various colours such as blue and purple and observe the colours around them in their environment. Toddlers have also enjoyed washing babies in water talking about cleanliness and hygiene. The children have been learning about the life cycle of plants by planting their own seeds in compost exploring textures of soils and the seeds.

Next week we will be...

Baking our own Jubilee coloured cupcakes ready for the party on Wednesday where the children can dress up like kings and queens as well as exploring a bear hunt themed tuff tray incorporated with sticks, leaves and other natural resources to create the effects of the weather and conditions featured in the book.

The 2-3's have been...

Exploring the world around them when visiting a local park this week.

As well as constructing in a range of ways with our sensory cubes. Some of the children then had a go at creating patterns using two different colour cubes. The children have also been learning about saving the ocean by exploring an ocean themed tuff tray showing what pollution and rubbish does to the world around us.

Next week we will be...

Exploring everything Jubilee, creating our very own Queens Knickers from the story and using it as bunting to celebrate the occurrence of the jubilee. 2-3’s will also be getting messy exploring a variety of tea bag scents in their tuff tray, talking about the different smells and colours that originate from the tea bags. Math’s skills will also be developed by taking part in a matching the money game where the children will be identifying different types of money i.e., pound coins, 10p’s 5p’s etc.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our new topic is... Queens Jubilee

Our Phonics focus have been…

Using our listening ears to identify different sounds during our Signing Sam sessions as well as using our hands to sign the letters of our names. The children have also been having a go at forming a range of CVC words using their fingers and sand.

Our Mathematical focus have been…

Continuing our Sunflower Challenge! This week the children have been measuring the height of their sunflowers using nonstandard measuring units, such as “9 blocks tall.” The children then moved their sunflowers from their smaller pots into larger pots to give them “more space to grow!”

The children have also been exploring shapes and pattern in play dough as well as constructing with the magnetic shapes within our Sensory Room.

Our Topic focus have been…..

Taking part in a lot of water play when using the bamboo shoots to explore how water can move and travel. The children have also been taking part in races and completing obstacle courses throughout their garden play.

Next week we will be...

Our new topics are – Queens Jubilee

Our Phonics focus will be…

Drawing pictures of our families whilst learning about the Royal Family. The children will then have a go at writing their own names and the labels to who are in their family.

Our Mathematical focus will be…

Continuing to take part in our Sunflower Challenge.

Our Topic focus will be...

Learning about the Royal Family and about the Queen. The children will also be creating The Elizabeth Tower out of cardboard boxes and taking part in a range of Jubliee crafts throughout the week as well as creating cucumber sandwiches!

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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