Blog Post

Week Commencing 19th September 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • September 23, 2022

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 19th September 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 2 Spring/Summer menu

Currently the planned changes we have next week are within the yellow boxes above.

If there are any other changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries please email our Accounts Team on the address below.


Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers - Hannah H -

2-3’s – Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Staff holiday

Tuesday 20th September – Nikki B

Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st September – Tasha

Friday 23rd September – Jacqui & Emily H (pm)

HENRY Programme

We have a new service coming to North and East Hertfordshire this September. The HENRY programme is a FREE programme for any parent with a child aged 0-5 years. The programme is designed to help parents give their child a healthy start in life.

We will be running a programme at the Broadwater Family Centre on a Tuesday afternoon from 1-3pm. This programme starts on Tuesday 27th September and runs for 8 weeks.

Booking extra sessions and requesting changes to your child’s permanent sessions

We are changing the way we would like you to communicate with us regarding increasing, decreasing and requesting changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions.

If you would like any changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions, please can you email the following address: Corrin our Nursery Manager will look into your request as soon as possible.

If you would like to book extra sessions, please may we ask that these are still sent to Toni our Deputy Manager using the following address: Toni will look at the availability and will get back to you at her earliest convenience.

Returning spare nursery clothes

Please can we ask if your child has borrowed any spare clothing from Wonderland that this is returned to nursery. We try to ensure we have enough spare clothing here in a variety of sizes but seem to be running low in trousers. If you have any spares or donations at home, please do let us know.

Changes in weather

Now that the weather is changing, and we are seeing more rain please could we ask for all children to have a pair of indoor shoes with them here at Wonderland at all times. These can be kept within your child’s Wonderland bag. We are also more than happy for the children to have wellies to wear whilst exploring the outside areas here at nursery, but please make sure these are named.

Cuddly toys needed

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic we had to remove all soft toys from the nursery. However now we are in a place where these can be reinstated here at Wonderland, we are running low!

If you have any well-loved cuddly toys in need of a new home, please do let us know. We will happily take these off your hands.

The Babies have been...

Celebrating the Queens life in lots of ways, exploring their London Tuff Tray, creating crowns and creating their very own marmalade sandwiches! The babies have also been listening to the story of ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ using their Tonie box and creating their very own pizzas!

During their Signing Sam class this week the Babies explored the colours of the rainbow.

Next week we will be…….. Continuing to explore Autumn through leaf painting as well as continuing to celebrate the Queens life by having a go at building tall towers to represent ‘Big Ben’ and Buckingham Palace.

The Toddlers have been...

Exploring their nursery rhyme tuff tray to develop their speech, fishing in the sea, making Autumnal pictures, exploring crazy foam for hidden objects and exploring instruments and the sounds they make. The Toddlers have also decorated their very own biscuits.

During the Toddlers Signing Sam session this week they developed their knowledge and interest of different colours.

Next week we will be……

Developing their knowledge of colour through mark making, using cars to drive through trays of paint and exploring a very colourful tuff tray. The Toddlers will also continue to develop their speech and knowledge of nursery rhymes and songs through the use of puppets and story sacks.

The 2-3's have been...

Searching for hidden coloured beads within the crazy foam, exploring their animal habitat tray and creating their very own Autumnal wreaths.

During the 2-3’s Signing Sam session this week the children explored colours and voice sounds.

The 2-3’s story of the week has been, Squash and a Squeeze.

Next week we will be... Using leaves and paint to create different Autumnal marks, creating different potions using a variety of fruit and investigating the season of Autumn when exploring their Autumnal tuff tray.

Their book of the week will be: The Gruffalo.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.

Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 2 – Instrumental Sounds

The children have been exploring a range of instruments and the sounds they can make, as well as playing these quietly, loudly, slowly and fast.

The children have also been having a go at remembering and repeating a rhythm.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been... The children have been programming our programmable mouse to numbered peaches, exploring their number recognition as well as interacting with technology items to explore positional language. As well as ordering different sized crocodiles to explore different lengths and measurements linked to the story of The Enormous Crocodile. During their outside play this week the children have also explored throwing bean bags into numbered hoops.

As well as taking part in STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) such as exploring our sunflowers to share what we notice. The children seemed to really enjoy investigating the sunflower and it’s seeds.

Our Topic focus have been…

Learning about the life of Queen Elizabeth and learning about our new King, King Charles III. We have been looking at pictures of the Royal family and drawing our own pictures of our families.

The children have made crowns and decorated their own special biscuit to celebrate the Queens life.

The children have also been searching our outside area to find hidden Golden Tickets, as well as creating their very own potions within our outdoor kitchen and water trays linked to George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Finally, the children have also be creating their very own dot pictures using paint and cotton wool buds to celebrate International Dot Day on September 15th.

Our Signing Sam classes explored positional language and voice sounds.

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 6 – Voice Sounds

The children will be continuing their ability to distinguish between vocal sounds as well beginning to have a go at oral blending and segmenting.

The children will be recording their own voices using our sound buttons and encouraging our peers to guess who has left the message.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

The children will also be sharing a story all about Autumn – ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn.’

Our Mathematical focus will be…

Taking part in a range of small group games to develop our awareness of turn taking, colour recognition and playing one of our favourite games, ‘The Lunch Box Game.’

The children will also be beginning to develop their number sense by each day identifying who is in nursery today.

The children will do this by completing their 5 frames as they enter the Main Area.

The Pre-school Team will be providing more information for parents on this soon!

Our topic focus will be...

Continuing to develop our understanding of emotions, by creating emotion masks. We will also be talking about why someone may be sad and what makes us happy.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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