Blog Post

Week Commencing 5th December 2022

Wonderland Day Nursery • January 9, 2023

Wonderland Weekly News

WC 5th December 2022

This Week's Menu

This week we are following our Week 3 Autumn/Winter menu

Currently the only planned change is within the orange text box above.

If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.

If your child is within the 3-5’s Age Group, this information can be found on the age groups notice board – which can be found outside the 3-5’s bathroom.

Working in partnership at Wonderland

If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries, please email our Accounts Team on the address below.

Accounts –

Babies – Corrin –

Toddlers – Hannah H –

2-3’s - Toni –

3-5’s – Emma E –

Extra sessions –

Changes to your child’s usual booking pattern, if your child is leaving Wonderland -

Hannah Bly is now on Maternity Leave. In Hannah’s absence please contact Our Accounts Team using the email address above.

Staff Holiday

Monday 5th December - Jacqui, Olivia, Tasha

Thursday 8th December - Ellie

Friday 9th December - Ellie, Emma E, Olivia, Jacqui, Nicole

Booking extra sessions and requesting changes to your child’s permanent sessions

We are changing the way we would like you to communicate with us regarding increasing, decreasing and requesting changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions.

If you would like any changes to your child’s permanent nursery sessions, please can you email the following address: Corrin our Nursery Manager will look into your request as soon as possible.

If you would like to book extra sessions, please may we ask that these are still sent to Toni our Deputy Manager using the following address:

Toni will look at the availability and will get back to you at her earliest convenience.

Who let the Dads Out?

Calling all Dads, Grandad’s and Father Figures, would you like to have lots of fun with your children up to the age of 6 years old? Come along to St Paul’s Church Hall, Pixmore Way in Letchworth to meet other Dads, Grandad’s and Father Figures for Bacon rolls and a coffee whilst the children explore their fantastic arts and crafts, activities and play with a variety of toys.

St Paul’s Church Hall,

Pixmore Way,



Icknield center – 2-3's Christmas Concert

2-3’s - Taking place Wednesday 14th December

Please email Toni to confirm if you are attending. We are able to have two adults per child. This can also be Auntie’s Uncles and Grandparents if Parents cannot attend. If you would like additional spaces, please just ask.

The 2-3 children will be making their way on stage at 3pm. The performance usually finishes by 3:30. Once the performance finishes and you have been handed back your child, you can visit a special visitor before leaving the center.

If you are unable to make the Christmas Concert and your child still attends Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon session, please email Toni to let her know your child will be in Wonderland’s Care throughout the afternoon. We will then arrange dinner and transport back to Wonderland for your child.

Please also email Toni if your child DOES NOT usually attend Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon session, but you are going to bring them along to the Icknield Centre to take part in the Christmas Concert.

If your child is attending the concert, please could we ask for a Christmas Jumper or Christmas T-shirt / dress to be bought into nursery by Friday 9th December 2022 within a named carrier bag.

If your child is meeting the rest of their peers at the Ickneild Center on the day, could we please ask for your child to come to the center dressed within their Christmas Jumper / t-shirt / outfit?

If you are going to bring your child to the Icknield Center, please can you drop your child to the center at 2:30pm.

Toni’s email address is:

Pre-school – 3-5’s children – Icknield Centre

Taking place Wednesday 14th December

Please email Emma E to confirm if you are attending. We are able to have two adults per child. This can also be Auntie’s Uncles and Grandparents if Parents cannot attend. If you would like additional spaces, please just ask.

The 3-5 children will be making their way on stage at aprox 3:30pm. The performance usually finishes just after 4:00pm. Once the performance finishes and you have been handed back your child, you can visit a special visitor before leaving the center.

If you are unable to make the Christmas Concert and your child still attends Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon session, please email Emma E to let her know your child will be in Wonderland’s Care throughout the afternoon. We will then arrange dinner and transport back to Wonderland for your child. 

Please also email Emma E if your child DOES NOT usually attend Wonderland on a Wednesday afternoon session, but you are going to bring them along to the Icknield Centre to take part in the Christmas Concert. If you are going to bring your child to the Icknield Center, please can you drop your child to the center at 3pm.

If your child is attending the concert, please ask a member of the Pre-school Team for your letter sharing which role your child is playing this year and any items of clothing we may need for a costume. These will need to be back at Wonderland by Monday 12th December 2022 within a named carrier bag.

Within this letter, there is also a permission slip, which must be returned to Wonderland by Monday 12th December 2022.

All children are able to go home after their Christmas Concert.

Emma E’s email address is:

Toddlers Christmas 'Tiny Mites Sing-a-long'

Toddlers - Taking place Wednesday 14th December (9.30am - 10am)

Please email Hannah H to confirm if you are attending. We are able to have two adults per child. This can also be Auntie’s Uncles and Grandparents if Parents cannot attend.

Please also email Hannah H to let her know if your child will be attending the Christmas Tiny Mites Sing a long and they do not usually attend Wonderland on a Wednesday morning. Please remember that your child will have to go home after the sing a long if a Wednesday morning is not their usual nursery session.

If you are attending, please arrive for a 9:30am start. This will finish around 10am.

Hannah H’s email address is:

Welly Walk

The Babies have been...

Beginning to get into the Christmas spirit by creating elves and snowmen to hang from the ceiling. They have also been getting creative with cling film painting running their fingers over the clingfilm exploring the various textures. The babies also had their Christmas sing along on Wednesday and we just wanted to give our thanks to Kelly from Tiny Mites as well as the parents who came to share this truly lovely event with us.

Next week they will be...

The babies will be exploring a winter wonderland tuft tray which will be made up of cotton wool balls to create snowballs with as well as freezing ice to create ice cubes and making their own igloos. The children have been developing their physical mobility by learning how to independently walk across surfaces so they will be getting their feet painted and making their own footprint masterpiece.

The Toddlers have been...

The Toddlers have been practicing their Christmas songs ready for the tiny mites sing along as well as practicing shaking their musical instruments such as bells and rattles. The children have also been exploring a crazy foam shape hunt beginning to identify simple shapes such as circles and triangles.

Toddlers Advent Calendar with the help of Father Christmas’ Elves

The 2-3's have been...

Exploring a range of festive activities such as our winter wonderland exploration tray, pretend Christmas baking in the playdough area and developing fine motor skills at our Christmas wrapping station. They have also created some beautiful winter landscape artwork.

This week's book of the week is: The Wonky Gonks

Next week we will be...

Exploring numbers in play when drawing around wooden numbers, exploring numbers in our Christmas exploration basket and counting during play.

We will also be practicing our Christmas songs and exploring our Christmas grotto in the garden.

Pre-school – The 3-5’s

Our topic is – Following our children's interests & Christmas

Our Phonics focus have been… Literacy / Phonics: Aspect 3 – Body Percussion

The children will be singing a range of songs with actions to encourage body percussion throughout the song, such as ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,’ ‘If your happy and you know it.’

We will also be identifying a range of environmental sounds whilst playing sound lotto. Such as ‘snoring,’ ‘sneezing,’ ‘telephones ringing’ whilst practising to use our listening ears.

Some of the children have also been developing their confidence when segmenting and blending a variety of CVC words.

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus has been...

Continuing to explore how to develop their concept imagine of numbers 1 – 3, 1-5 and 1 – 10 with a Christmas twist! Giving hands on experiences supports the children in remembering key skills, so the children will be experiencing, playing, exploring, describing, noticing, testing, explaining and teaching!

Our STEAM activities this week have been…..

Creating our very own playdough and having a go at building and constructing using our magnetic tiles.

Our Topic focus have been…

Continuing to explore and create a range of Christmassy objects such as trees and wreaths as well as making their own Christmas Cards. The children have also been exploring the sensory ball pit as well as creating obstacle courses during their garden play.

The children have also continued to practice their Christmas play!

Please ask a member of the Pre-school team for your letter for more information!

Next week we will be…

Our topic is – Following our children’s individual interests + Christmas.

Our Phonics focus will be…

Literacy / Phonics

Continuing to create our very own letters to Father Christmas and Christmas cards to post within our 3-5’s Post Office!

Please check your 3-5’s Parents Memo for a way in which to support your child’s Phonics development at home.

Our Mathematical focus...

We will be sharing the story of ‘Father Christmas’ Needs a Wee!’ Whilst focusing on developing our awareness of nominality – number labels and names.

As well as this we will be continuing to explore our 5 Frames using Christmas Stars and Christmas baubles.

Thank you for your continuing support.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Wonderland Management Team

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