This week we are following our Week 4 Spring/Summer menu
There are no planned changes to next week’s menu.
If there are any changes during the week, you will be notified on your child’s individual hand over sheet.
If you would like a catch up with your child’s key carer at any time or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in giving a member of the Management Team an email to arrange this. Our doors are always open. Corrin can arrange permanent session changes and Toni is able to book in extra sessions on your behalf. If you have any invoicing queries please email our Accounts Team on the address below.
Accounts –
Babies – Corrin –
Toddlers - Hannah H -
2-3’s – Toni –
3-5’s – Emma E –
Important dates for your diary
Thursday 21st July – 3-5’s Graduation Party
Staff holiday
Week Commencing 11th July 2022 – Tabitha, Denise
Monday 11th July - Hannah H, Hayley B 11th + 12th July- Emma E
Tuesday 12th July - Finty
Thursday 14th July pm – Natalie H
Thursday 14th + Friday 15th July - Finty
Elgood Photography have returned the photo proofs of the children’s recent nursery photographs. The nursery team will hand these back to you over the next week. If you would like to purchase any of your child’s pictures, please return the completed photo proof and payment via cash or cheque within the envelope provided. These must be returned to nursery by the end of this week which will be the 15th of July 2022.
Please can we remind parents when bringing your children to nursery that all of their belongings are labelled. This helps us to locate the missing items and reunite them with their owners.
Please can we ask that all children always have a named sunhat with them at nursery. The children explore the nursery gardens throughout the nursery day, when it is safe for them to do so, however we must ensure they are also wearing a sun hat and sun cream. Please can we ask that all children always have a named sunhat with them at nursery.
Check out this new and exciting soft play centre/café located in the quaint town of Baldock. They provide soft play fun for your little ones as well as a lovely selection of cakes, hot drinks and iced coffee.
This event will be packed with activities for all ages. Bring your children down to take part in yoga sessions as well as interactive musical story telling.
Check out the ‘Big Fun Day Out’ at Fairlands Valley in Stevenage on Sunday 10th July, 11am – 1pm.
Cancer touches, affects, and can devastate the lives of us all in some way throughout our lives in many different ways. I wanted to share a personal journey from a staff member here at Wonderland.
As some of you know Nicole our Deputy Team Leader in the 3-5 Age Group was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in October 2020. Through the speedy diagnosis, operation and with treatment, Nicole in April 2022 of this year was given the all clear and she is in remission. Nicole describes the last 2 years as an emotional blur when it comes to her diagnoses, treatment and the long waiting for her results.
Some of the Wonderland Staff Team are taking part in Race For Life this weekend at Fairlands Valley in Stevenage on Sunday 10th July 2022.
If you would like to support the team come on down or sponsor the team using the following links:
Nicole Burdis –
Sophie Hills –
Emily Hendricks –
Gary Burkett -
Corrin Burdis -
However, to support other young children and young people that go through Thyroid cancer she has joined a vital research group that reflects the personal experiences of young children and young people, the information given and the support out there already and how this can be improved on in the future.
Nicole has also made a wonderful friend through this group and they are too raising awareness and support though sharing their journey through their own on their own Instagram page.
We are over the moon for Nicole, and we are so proud of Nicole for being so courageous and strong as well as for the support she is dedicating to others.
Nicole, Gary, Sophie, Emily and Corrin would like to raise money for Cancer research by completing the 5k Race for life in Stevenage on Sunday the 10th of July.
If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause, please click on the just giving page links above.
If you would like the Wonderland team to run for someone personal to you, just let us know and we will be honoured to run, jog or walk the 5k for them.
Do you need any advice or support from the Health Visiting Team? Here are their details.
Continuing with their theme of Wimbledon by creating pictures using a variety of movements using their fingers, hands and feet, as well as finding out cause and effect through light up sensory experiences such as exploring their new glow sticks. The Babies have also been exploring their sound touch buttons this week as well as moving over and under their soft play set.
Exploring lots of sensory objects to develop their awareness of cause and effect, as well as making marks on a large scale by using crayons and chalks on large pieces of paper on the floor. The Toddlers have also explored ‘families’ throughout their Signing Sam session this week. Signing and singing songs such as “I love my family song” to learn the signs for members of our family. The Toddlers of course loved joining in with Poppy mouse and the Bubble Song!
Exploring lots of small world and imaginative set ups this week. The children have explored these trays to develop their knowledge of different textures and the symbolic noises the different animals make.
Our topic is – Following our children’s interests
Our Phonics focus have been… Exploring Aspect 3 within Phase 1 Letters and Sounds – Body Percussion.
The children used different parts of their bodies to create a sequence of body sounds, exploring when they could be noisy or quiet as well as singing songs during their Signing Sam session with actions and signs. The children have also been creating their own stories, focusing on the beginning, middle and end of their stories using pictures and props to develop their story. The children then created pictures and marks as well as initial sounds of certain words!
The children have also created their very own Three Little Pigs tuff tray to act out the well known story.
Our Mathematical focus has been... Creating a range of tap tap shape pictures to identify a range of 2D shapes as well as continuing our Sunflower Challenge, comparing the height of the sunflower to the height of themselves.
Our Topic focus have been…. Exploring our children’s individual interests such as creating an Ice Cream shop during our garden play within our outdoor kitchen as well as creating a Coffee Shop in our water tray! The children also celebrated the NHS’ Birthday who were 74 years old this week!
The children have also explored the play dough area to develop their finger muscles and have been developing their gross motor development during their garden play when using the trikes and pedals on the bikes.
Next week we will be…
Our new topic is – Women’s Euro 2022 and rhythm and rhyme.
Our Phonics focus will be… Aspect 4 within Phase 1 Letters and Sounds – Rhythm and rhyme
The children will be identifying rhyming animals during their garden play, throwing bean bags or balls through the hoops which rhyme, as well as creating their very own rhyming spider web.
Our Mathematical focus will be… Continuing our Sunflower Challenge following our children’s lead.
Our Topic focus will be….Using lions to make marks in the paint to represent England’s Three Lions, creating St George’s flags, as well as designing and cutting out their own football kit. The children will also be exploring ‘Silly Soup’ in the water tray and creating their very own rhyming CVC spider web.